"I'm a bit more discriminating than that, thank you. But I'm open-minded. I appreciate sexual activities of various kinds. Ultras can never become pregnant or sire children--except for my parents--impart or contract sexually transmitted diseases. For us, sex is pure pleasure. One we never...
Laments and Ritual Power105mate agency in patrilineal ideology, especially in ritual”.6Studies of Chinese ritualpractice outline a complex hierarchy of state ritual, ancestor worship, and publicfestivals dominated by men, and another set of activities like the worship of house-hold deities, veneratio...
Isaiah had prophesied: “A shoot shall come out from the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Isaiah 11:1 “On that day the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples; the nations shall inquire of him, and his dwelling shall be glorious.” Isaiah ...
World Music & Art Lesson Plans & Activities 9 chapters | 200 lessons Ch 1. Japanese Art & Music Lesson... Ch 2. Asian Music & Art Lesson Plans Ch 3. Caribbean Music & Art Lesson... Ch 4. Russian Art & Music Lesson Plans Ch 5. Greek & Roman Art & Architecture Lesson... Ch...
SouthAfrica Thispaperarguesthatritualisnotonlyrestrictedtoreligiousactivities,butcanalsobeethological,sociological, and ecologicalinnature.Theartistic,stylistic,na d functionalchraacteristicsofoneparticulra festivalofthe BamanainMalitocelebratetheharvestandnew plantingseasonwillbeanalyzed.Thisfestivalprimarilytakeson...
The first reason that Jeju people can believe in the efficacy of aekmagi without chicken sacrifice is related to their cosmology in which the gods are important subjects and agents of religious activities. I argue that the role of gods as main characters of aekmagi makes it possible to prevent...
2 The specific cultic connotations of these ludic activities are still poorly understood. Literary sources suggest that they mixed fun aspects with serious expectations and anxieties. In the long-lived Sumerian tale Gilgamesh and the Netherworld, the young hero sends his best friend to the underworld...
This relationship between the spiritual and the secular, sacred alle- gory and profane psychoanalysis, suggests the familiar theory of corre- spondences: physical activities (the descent to the unconscious) are anal- ogous to spiritual activities (the ascent to soul). Even though these motions ...
"I'm a bit more discriminating than that, thank you. But I'm open-minded. I appreciate sexual activities of various kinds. Ultras can never become pregnant or sire children--except for my parents--impart or contract sexually transmitted diseases. For us, sex is pure pleasure. One we never...
Its unique imagery undoubtedly reflects the everyday ludic activities of elite boys, including playing board games, spinning tops, and keeping pets, as attested in contemporary texts and material culture. However, a close reading of the reliefs and an attentive pondering of comparative evidence ...