For us, it doesn't take much for really good chocolate: the best ingredients, recipes reduced to the essentials, produced in harmony with people and nature. We know that chocolate can only be good if everyone involved in its production is doing well. Exp
Our Chocolate Our Products Ingredients Our Cocoa Our Cocoa Our Farm El Cacao Cocoa Competence Cocoa Partnerships Cocoa Sourcing Sustainability Our Objectives Natural Raw Materials Climate & Energy Biodiversity About Us History Career Code Of Conduct Visit Us Waldenbuch Berlin Special ...
天猫国际官方直营 现售59元,参考爆料购买可优惠18元 瑞特滋 RitterSport 瑞特滋 瑞特斯波德巧克力德国rittersport瑞特滋全榛子黑巧牛奶 爆料人: 起床真的很难 24-11-19发布 天猫国际官方直营此款目前活动售价59元,下单1件,实付低至41元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付41元 ...
无论是草莓酸奶、酸奶还是黑加仑酸奶,都以松脆 Ritter Sport 牛奶巧克力巧妙组合奶油水果酸奶夹心,赋予味蕾舒悦臻享。精美时尚的包装把这些果味巧克力块打造成理想的礼物。适于赠送亲友和家人,或自己享用。酸奶粉丝注意了:让人欢欣雀跃的酸奶巧克力块礼盒来了。无论是草莓酸奶、酸奶还是黑加仑酸奶,都以松脆 Ritter ...
产品创新层面,Ritter Sport通过包装呈现多维度价值。其200g大方块包装标注有英语、德语双语的巧克力类型说明,如“Alpine Milk Chocolate”(阿尔卑斯牛奶巧克力)、“Marzipan”(杏仁膏)等专业词汇,形成独特的外语学习场景。品牌累计推出超过30种核心口味,涵盖坚果、水果、酒心等类别,其中限量款如草...
瑞特滋 RitterSport 瑞特滋 瑞特斯波德巧克力德国rittersport瑞特滋全榛子黑巧牛奶100g×3块 41元 天猫国际官方直营 01-26 22:48 0 2 88VIP:Ritter SPORT 德国RitterSport瑞特斯波德坚果夹心牛奶黑巧克力瑞特滋什锦袋装 30.31元 天猫超市 01-28 20:26 0 -- 88VIP:Ritter SPORT 德国RitterSport瑞特斯波德坚果夹心牛...
Ritter Sport rely invest in five METTLER TOLEDO Safeline R Series metal detectors to ensure their chocolates are free from metal contaminants.
Ritter Sport Nougat is the “praline” in bar form is the delicacy made from fine milk chocolate filled with delicious fine nougat, which melts creamy and caresses the taste buds with a delicate, nutty aroma. Let yourself be enchanted by this exquisite
For the fans of dark chocolate; a new flavor from Ritter Sport. Made with the whole crunchy roasted hazelnuts. Try also other Ritter Sport chocolate Add to cart Pin this product: Rate this product: 1 2 3 4 5 Share this product with your friends: We also recommend Mmmax Peanut Ca.....
Ritter Sport以其丰富的产品线和广受欢迎的口味,成为德国受欢迎巧克力品牌之一。全球有很多国家,都知道这种彩色的方块巧克力。每一种口味和包装,都如惊喜奇遇一般。映衬了《阿甘正传》中的经典台词:Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get next....