有没有哪位大神能解答一下这个问题?顺便提一下,图一上的米是TESCO买的,包装上写着“RISOTTO RICE”,还特别标注了“GROWN IN ITALY”。而图二上的米则是Arborio Rice,这种米我小时候在意大利吃过,确实很短小圆。希望有经验的朋友能帮我解答一下,图一的米到底能不能煮出图二那种口感?还是说我被坑了?0 0 ...
When the rice is tender, stir in the cooked broccoli, Cheddar and remaining butter. Remove from the heat and cover with a lid or a sheet of foil. Leave to rest for 10 mins. Meanwhile, put the bacon cubes in a cold frying pan, then place over a medium-high heat. Fry, stirring ...