there are two key methods of preventing yellow fever before it starts, however: vaccination and mosquito avoidance. “a yellow fever vaccine is available and recommended for all persons nine months and older traveling to yellow fever-endemic regions, with some exceptions," weatherhead said. "...
Given the documented negative effects of YF on primates that are not immune to the disease, we stress the urgency of global control policies, such as mass human vaccination and safer travel protocols, to prevent the spread of the YF virus....
The yellow fever vaccine plays an essential role in protecting humans from yellow fever, and millions of doses are administered each year. The attenuated live-virus vaccine has long been considered to be among the safest and most effective vaccines. Newly recognized rare, but sometimes fatal, adv...
Vaccination is recommended for persons 9 months of age or older traveling to or living is areas at risk for the disease. Yellow fever is found in tropical and subtropical areas in South America and Africa. Precautions: The best way to avoid infection is to avoid mosquito bites. Minimize areas...
Martin M, Tsai TF, Cropp B, et al. Fever and multisystem organ failure associated with 17D-204 yellow fever vaccination: a report of four cases. Lancet. 2001;358:98–104. ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Thomas RE, Lorenzetti DL, Spragins W, et al. Active and passive surveillance of yellow...
Chapter 2.7 of the book "Equatorial Guinea Economic Studies" is presented. It provides the travel risks in Equatorial Guinea where valid passport and evidence of yellow fever vaccination are needed to enter Equatorial Guinea. It suggests to consult with the Consular Information Sheet (CIS) of the...
Vaccination against yellow fever is recommended except for travelers who will only visit coastal areas. Travelers visiting high-risk areas for malaria (Amazon) should be assessed regarding the need for chemoprophylaxis. Chikunguya fever may be a threat for Brazil, given the presence of Aedes ...
Africa's varied ecology presents a wide range of travel health threats: infections; accidents; envenomations; an uncertain drug supply; problematic access to competent medical care outside South Africa. Important vaccine preventable diseases include yellow fever, meningococcal disease, typhoid, polio, ...
include stagnant water after a flood that serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes; contamination of drinking water after a storm; injuries from landslides or storm surges with risk of tetanus infections in populations with low vaccination coverage; or a cholera outbreak after a drought (Table 2...
vaccination programmes.#Live attenuated vaccines, such as the yellow fever and poliomyelitis vaccines, carry a very small risk of neurotropic infections; vaccine-specific and recipient-specific factors can predispose to these complications.#Very rare neurological complications of vaccination include neuro...