Consumer perceptions of risks from food - Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry - 6ELSEVIERHandbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry Part 1 Risks: Range of microbial risks in food processing Biofilm risks Pathogen resistance to sanitisers Aerosols as a contamination risk Consumer perceptions of risks from food. Part 2 Improving design: Improving building design Improv... , 被引量...
In 30% of the total number of taken swabs inadequate results were obtained, by category: 80% inadequate results of plastic sacs used for servicing the customers, 67% of the trenchers in shower cases, 33% of the worker's hands, 12% of the plastic meat cutting boards, 10% of meat ...
it is essential to have reliable data on the actors and the conditions of streed food activity. The present study is aimed at (i) establishing the sociodemographic profile of producers and vendors of Gbeli in the municipality of Abomey-Calavi, (ii) developing the...
During the first visit, informed consent was obtained and the method of recording the dietary intake was explained (three-day weighed food records: every item consumed had to be weighed with a provided electronic food scale). Furthermore, the principals of 24-h urine collection were explained ...
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2016, October 4). Nurse Assist Initiates Voluntary Recall of IV Flush Syringes. Retrieved from Subscribe to Our Newsletter ...
The American Medical Student Association cites an increased risk of HIV infection, particularly among transgender women of color, and inadequate preventative cancer screenings in transgender men. About half of transgender people also identify as bisexual or queer, according to the Human Rights Campaign....
Undercooked Organic Meats:Organic meats, like their conventional counterparts, can harbor pathogens such asSalmonellaandCampylobacter. Inadequate cooking can result in foodborne illness. 3. Higher Costs and ...
Morbidity and mortality owing to under- and over-nutrition are but the tip of the iceberg of a global diet that is inadequate to meet the world's health needs. Associated losses include failure to reach full mental and physical development by 100s of millions of children, loss of economic ...
Rather, it describes a situation of inadequate information, which can be ofthree sorts: inexactness, unreliability, and border with ignorance [29]. In science and riskanalyses, uncertainty is always present and must be considered in the decision-makingprocess.Denying uncertainty in risk communication...