Risks and Opportunities of High-Quality Development of Higher Education from the Perspective of ISO45001:2018CHINAHIGHER educationINDUSTRIAL hygieneSAFETY factor in engineeringLOSS controlSYSTEM safetyRISK assessmentENVIRONMENTAL riskAt present, the requirements of the high-quality development...
Mitigating actions include the management of the potential risks and opportunities via monitoring and participating in the political debate related to the decision-making processes so as to be able to better adapt to and take advantage of the changing environment. This applies both to the Valmet off...
Reliable projections of wildfire and associated socioeconomic risks are crucial for the development of efficient and effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. The lack of or limited observational constraints for modeling outputs impairs the credibility of wildfire projections. Here, we present a machin...
Occupational health and safety management systems. General guidelines for the application of ISO 45001-Risks and opportunitiesdoi:BS 45002-2:2019BS 45002-2:2019:了解风险和机遇对于提高组织管理水平至关重要\n健康与安全交叉引用:BS ISO 45001:2018BS 45002-0购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本...