>Chat .Forum >Other .Server specs .Online GM's .Top Players .Top Guilds >Event's .Event List! Name:RevengeServer Status:Client Ver:1753 Total Online:0 Exp Rate:HIGH Drop Rate:HIGH #CharacterFame 1._CrysTal1033 2.Games-Ov794 3.bakhit-J714 ...
Name:RevengeServer Status:Client Ver:1753 Total Online:0 Exp Rate:HIGH Drop Rate:HIGH #CharacterFame 1._CrysTal1033 2.Games-Ov794 3.bakhit-J714 4.MaXeL681 5._Emerald591 6.Pen-Pine577 7.Manifold476 8.Rakkii447 9.-Perla-_424 10.-BonusBu424 ...
>Chat .Forum >Other .Server specs .Online GM's .Top Players .Top Guilds >Event's .Event List! Name:RevengeServer Status:Client Ver:1753 Total Online:0 Exp Rate:HIGH Drop Rate:HIGH #CharacterFame 1._CrysTal1033 2.Games-Ov794 3.bakhit-J714 ...
3. risk life and limb limb(肢体)具象,life(生命)抽象,二者并列有“所有一切”的那种意蕴,如 【例句6】Why risk life and limb (=risk your life and health) jumping out of a plane just to raise money for charity? (为什么仅为了为慈善事业筹集资金而冒着生命和健康的危险跳下飞机?)[朗文当代英...
2. He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我。 risk 网络解释 1. 危险度:3.危险度在放射防护标准中的应用:要进行危险程度的比较,ICRP的第26号出版物在考虑随机性效应的防护标准时,采用发危险度(risk)的概念. 据国际辐射保护联合会 (ICRP) 估计,每毫希沃特的辐射会增加约...
美 英 英英 例句 释义: 全部
"Whyriskyour life?" 2. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling" 展开全部 词组搭配 at risk exposed to harm or danger 处境危险;遭受危险 23 million people in Africa are &B{at risk from} starvation. ...
Sex has consistently been shown to affect COVID-19 mortality, but it remains unclear how each sex’s clinical outcome may be distinctively shaped by risk factors. We studied a primary cohort of 4930 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in a single healthc
P: 1-2 Differences in the lifetime risk and population burden of dementia Dementia is a major public health burden, and determining its lifetime risk is essential to inform prevention strategies. In a large cohort study of adults, 42% of participants ≥55 years of age developed dementia by ...
Permanent life insuranceproducts like whole Life and universal life come withcash accumulation features, tax advantages, and living benefits that make them attractive for risk-averse investors. Cash value in a life insurance policy cannot ever lose value and grows over time. Policy owners can withdra...