Specifically, traditional aggregation functions, such as the weighted average, assume that the factors are independent and that the effects of the factors are additive. As also pointed out by Dujmović and coworkers [35], severity-rating scales used in clinical practice are usually based on a ...
Thus, the Λ𝑉𝑎𝑅ΛVaR should be able to discriminate the risk among assets with the same 𝑉𝑎𝑅VaR at level 𝜆λ but different tail behaviour of the P&L distribution. However, in this theoretical paper, there is no explanation of how the Λ𝑉𝑎𝑅ΛVaR should be ...
Abeta calculationshows how correlated the stock is vs. a benchmark that determines the overall market, usually the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, orS&P 500. The S&P 500 is amarket-capitalization-weighted index of 500 leading publicly traded companies in the United States. To calculate beta, d...
The soil monitoring program mostly developed under the Environmental Protection in support of the following principles: > development must be sustainable, meaning that the use of resources and the environment today must not impair prospects for their use by future generations; > the environmental impact...
Generally, when comparing similar portfolios, the higher the Sharpe ratio, the better because it shows an attractiverisk-adjusted return, meaning the return after taking into account the degree of risk that was taken to achieve it. Is it better to use the alpha, beta, or Sharpe ratio?
They are often callable, meaning the issuing company may redeem the security at a certain price after a certain date. Such call features, and the timing of a call, may affect the security's yield. Preferred securities generally have lower credit ratings and a lower claim to assets than the...
Again, factors such as the lumpiness of assets and the inability to adequately diversify, means there is an element of uncertainty in business decisions that cannot be reduced to the type of measurable risk argument that underlies the CAPM. Another group of arguments against the use of ...
In the event of common accidents found within the system (meaning findings with the same IMO number and the same accident date), the location was compared. If the two locations in the databases were not matching, the accident was not included in the unified database for the analysis. The ...
Weick describes sensemaking in organisations as the process of moving things from “Inter” to “Generic” so that others can become part of the organisation and act using the thing. The key part of sense making is to create “shared meaning”. Shared meaning indicates that the value of somet...
Monthly value-weighted returns on the six portfolios are calculated from July of year t to June oft + nd the portfolios are reformed in June of t + 1. We calculate returns beginning in July of year t to be sure that book equity for year c - 1 is known. To be included in the ...