在四格表中,患病组的中暴露的概率(以实测频率估计)p1=a/C1,非暴露的概率为1-p1=b/C1,故患病组的odds计算公式为:odds1=p1/(1-p1)=a/b。同理,健康组的odds计算公式为:odds2=p1/(1-p1)=c/d。Odds Ratio(优势比)是病例-对照研究中常用的指标,它表示病例组和对照组的...
循证医学中,Relative Risk(RR)即相对危险度,用于比较暴露组和非暴露组之间发生某种事件的概率,考虑患病率,是真实世界研究;Odds Ratio(OR)即比值比,用于病例对照研究,衡量疾病与暴露因素之间的关联强度,不考虑患病率。 循证医学中的Risk和Odds 循证医学的基本概念 循证医学(Evidence...
在做meta分析时经常为对计数资料Peto odds ratio、Odds ratio 、Relative risk、hazard ratio、Risk difference 等衡量效应尺度的选择而苦恼。 风险比(risk ratio,RR)(也称为相对危险度relative risk,RR); 优势比(odds ratio,OR) 风险差异(risk difference,RD)(也称为绝对风险缩减量absolute risk reduction,ARR) ...
It is very easy to mix the concept forOdds Ratioand Risk Ratio. Odds Ratio represents the odds of an event in group 1 compared to the event of odds in group 2, where odds means the event over non-event. Risk Ratio means the probability of an event occurring in group 1 compared to t...
Risk Ratio与其他统计指标(如风险差、优势比)在医学统计学中各有优劣。风险差(Risk Difference)直接反映了暴露组与对照组之间发生某事件的绝对风险差异,但其受基线风险影响较大;优势比(Odds Ratio)则在病例对照研究中更为常用,但在疾病发病率较高时可能与RR值存在较大差异。相比之下,Risk ...
病例对照是回顾性研究,我们拿到的样本已经分类为得病的和没得病的,所以无法在此基础上计算相对危险了。可是,我们仍旧希望通过回顾分析因素和疾病之间的关系,于是就使用优势比来估算相对危险。 来看看下面这张图,红色的面积表示有危险因素的人数,灰色面积表示没危险因素的人数。优势比 = 得病组的红灰面积比/没得病组的...
However, in a case control study, we use odds ratio instead of risk ratio due to the fact ...
Risk Ratio=2.127 means in Placebo Group the probability of patients’ Arthritis problem remains increased compared to the Patients in Treatment Group. Connections: It is very easy to mix the concept for Odds Ratio and Risk Ratio. Odds Ratiorepresents the odds of an event in group 1 compared to...
After converting the odds ratio to a risk ratio, the actual risk is1.4(mortality is 1.4 times more likely in patients with ICU delirium compared to those without ICU delirium). Because the incidence rate in the non-delirium group is high, the odds ratio exaggerates the true risk demonstrated...