Risk of Rain 2 has a number of items for you to acquire andpower up your characterwith. In this Risk of Rain 2 Items Guide, we will detail each and every item along with their respective effects. Risk of Rain 2 Best Items Throughout your journey in RoR 2, you’ll encounter a total...
Our guide to all Risk of Rain 2 items and equipment makes sure you're equipped to survive anything this alien planet throws at you, from common to elite.
There are multiple items and equipment you can use in Risk of Rain 2. They are each unique to augment your character, giving them a better chance of surviving the massive horde of enemies they need to battle through and make it through to the end. This guide covers all items and equipmen...
Now, Risk of Rain 2 marks the return of 2013’s classic roguelike, but adds a whole new dimension. While the first game was a 2D action game, Risk of Rain 2 is a fully 3D title. That means some things are pretty different, but one of our goals was actually to keep the co...
Acrid is a playable character in Risk of Rain 2. An imposingly large, poison-spewing ex-prisoner, Acrid fights with a potent array of damage-over-time effects and a self-sustaining melee ability. In addition to sporting the highest base damage stat of an