Category extensionsDiscord Boost 2 Leaderboards News 8 Guides 8 Resources 10 Forums 34 Streams Related 1 Stats News Vanilla runs in Gauntlet Posted1 year agoby rythin Seeing as most everyone was for this change, the Gauntlet category will now accept runs performed on an unmodded version of the...
Risk of Bulletstorm A mod for Risk of Rain 2 that plans to add custom content, modified from Enter The Gungeon. Very configurable. Feel free to message me in the Risk of Rain 2 Modding Discord for anything broken or any suggestions, including any networking issues. Dependencies [Hard] BepIn...
Failing to parse the libraryfolders.vdf file isn’t shown to the user because there’s nothing they can do. Instead it’ll fail silently and should prompt to set the directory manually when attempting to start modded. This makes sense, but because of the above fact I have observed it ends...
Whenever I start the modded client of Risk of Rain 2, I get an error message which causes my game not being able to use the mods installed (MiniRpcLid and R2API fail to load which prevents StartingItemsGUI from working) and the mod not working either. Reproduction I installed the mods ...
Ever accidentally touched and picked up an item that you were saving for your friend? Aggravating, right? This mod has been developed in response to frustration caused the way items are distributed in Risk of Rain 2. With ShareSuite, we aim to fix that!
This tutorial uses thunderkit. You can make stages without Thunderkit but it is very different and very limited. If you are unaware of how to use Thunderkit, refer tothis pageorthis video. If you need further help, ask questions in the Risk of Rain 2 Modding or Thunderkit Discord ...