Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm is an expansion that enriches the core gameplay of the acclaimed roguelike title. This DLC invites players to explore the enigmatic world of Petrichor V while facing an ancient evil that threatens the universe. The expansion introduces new lore, intricate le...
Normally one would never expect a Horde of Many during the first few stages since the Champions are cheap (600 credits for the majority of them), but this Artifact completely changes this. At the beginning of each stage the game logs on the console which monsters have been selected for spaw...
A tweet from Hopoo Games announces that Gearbox Entertainment has acquired its Risk of Rain IP. Word is there's a "very special passion project" on deck for Hopo after it completes its current console DLC project:
Thunderkit- This tutorial uses thunderkit. You can make stages without Thunderkit but it is very different and very limited. If you are unaware of how to use Thunderkit, refer tothis pageorthis video. If you need further help, ask questions in the Risk of Rain 2 Modding or Thunderkit ...