Unlock over 110 items over time, keeping each run fresh and full of new challenges Theorycraft and exploit endless item and character combos Discover lore through the collection of Monster, Item, and Environment Logs Play and unlock new and returning survivors, each with their own abilities to ma...
Unlock over 110 items over time, keeping each run fresh and full of new challenges Theorycraft and exploit endless item and character combos Discover lore through the collection of Monster, Item, and Environment Logs Play and unlock new and returning survivors, each with their own abilities to ma...
雨中冒险risk of rain一款Roguelike的横版动作游戏,初始只有1个职业——突击队员(Commando),画风为点阵像素风格,但不影响其游戏性。 这款游戏无论在道具上还是怪物种类方面,都有着极其丰富的种类。与大部分roguelike游戏类似,打怪或开宝箱所获得的道具,遇到的BOSS,都有着很高的随机性。玩这类游戏,不光操作要好,脸...
Risk of ra..好像一共5个还是6个关卡,每个关卡的敌人都会越来越强,随着时间,敌人也会越来越强,到了倒数第二关的时候还会有选项让你回到前面的关卡继续刷那么就来说下我的经验吧到了第三关以后敌人就会变得非常厉害了,基本
The Pilot from The UES Contact Light joins the fray in Risk of Rain Returns! Launch high into the air and rain death on those unfortunate enough to be in your way. As monsters corner you, deposit a few bombs near the largest pack and make a tactical retreat. As you parachute to safety...
雨中冒险risk of rain一款Roguelike的横版动作游戏,初始只有2个职业——指挥官(Commando)和矿工(Miner)。音乐暂无,画风为点阵像素风格,但不影响其游戏性。 这款游戏无论在道具上还是怪物种类方面,都有着极其丰富的种类。与大部分roguelike游戏类似,打怪或开宝箱所获得的道具,遇到的BOSS,都有着很高的随机性。玩这类...
从1代到2代的演变,自2D至3D的升华,《Risk of Rain2》做的非常完美,它将Roguelike元素带入了射击与割草式的无双游戏类型中,又或者说是将无双割草加入了Roguelike的游戏流程里,扬长避短,将各自的优点和良好体验糅合在一起,两份快乐相互叠加,使玩家可以从中收获更多的乐趣。
-Engage in local and online multiplayer with friends and other players from around the world! -Play and unlock 12 unique characters, from the Commando to the Miner to the Engineer.
当朋友向我安利这个游戏,且只告诉了我游戏名时,我一直以为它会是一个有着唯美意境和氛围主打解谜的冒险游戏。直到我进入游戏,并乘着降落仓来到开阔广袤的关卡地图上,我还是这么想的,只是有些奇怪为何这所谓的“雨中冒险”却没有雨! 一个小时后,当我在密集如雨点的怪物围攻下,意犹未尽地结束了游戏,这才明白所谓...
雨中冒险risk of rain一款Roguelike的横版动作游戏,初始只有1个职业——突击队员(Commando),画风为点阵像素风格,但不影响其游戏性。 这款游戏无论在道具上还是怪物种类方面,都有着极其丰富的种类。与大部分roguelike游戏类似,打怪或开宝箱所获得的道具,遇到的BOSS,都有着很高的随机性。玩这类游戏,不光操作要好,脸...