Banking can be a demanding profession - filled with pressure and, for executives, few true peers. SCB Forums gives you that community—and sounding board for your success. Talk to true peers in confidence, in a non-competitive environment, and in an inti
Murphy has been elected to the Philadelphia Chapter of the Risk Management Association (RMA) board of directors. RMA is a not-for-profit, member-driven professional association, whose sole purpose is to advance the use of sound risk principles in the financial services industry. RMA promotes an...
The article reports that financial institutions really need to raise the profile of risk management throughout their organizations according to Risk Management Association (RMA) president and chief executive officer (CEO) Kevin Blakely. The CEO suggests that these financial institutions must add risk ...
October-November 2023 Exams (ENUS23C) Related links Contact us Americas region Office hours Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. CT; closed on local holidays. Telephone numbers 877-378-8378
Miami Valley Risk Management Association (MVRMA) is a member-driven risk management pool whose mission is to deliver high quality risk management services to its member municipalities in a manner that provides long-term financial stability, minimization of risks and protection of mutual interests. MV...
Culture is complex and different within every organisation. There are some guideposts available – for example, risk culture, as defined by the Risk Management Association (RMA) and Protiviti, is ‘the set of encouraged and acceptable behaviours, discussions, decisions and attitudes toward taking and...
The Risk Management Association (RMA) stated that ERM is the creation of shareholder value through the integrated management of operational risk, which refers to the risk caused by inadequate or failed internal processes, people, and systems or from external events. The structures of ERM and ORM ...
Check out Peter Buerger's Book'Banking Pillars'! Published by The Risk Management Association, Philadelphia, PA (RMA) and written by Risk & More's Peter Buerger,Banking Pillars - How Banks of All Sizes Can Achieve Excellence under Basel IIIrecommends best practice risk management and governance ...
importance of risk benchmarking, reporting and technology at the event of the New York Chapter, the forums, Web seminars and courses at the national Risk Management Association (RMA) level and information about the 6th Annual Governance, Compliance and Operational Risk (GCOR) Conference of RMA.Gi...
The RMA Journal Date: November 2003 Volume/issue: Vol. 86, No. 3 Subjects: Banking industry--Finance Risk management--Standards Risk management--Forecasts and trends RMA - The Risk Management Association--Conferences, meetings and seminarsInteract...