July 1, 2005 Restructured Electricity Markets: A Risk Management Approach Hung-po Chao, Shmuel Oren and Robert Wilson1 Abstract In this paper, we consider a future path of the electricity industry that builds on lessons learned from experience and the principle of risk management. A main ...
Márcio Gomes Pinto Garcia & Roberto Rigobon, 2004. " A Risk Management Approach to Emerging Market’s Sovereign Debt Sustainability with an Application to Brazilian Data ," Textos para discussão 484, Department of Economics PUC-Rio (Brazil)....
Open ERP, a modern approach to integrated business management开放的ERP,综合业务管理的现代方法 热度: RiskandDecisionAnalysis1(2009)21–3321 DOI10.3233/RDA-2008-0002 IOSPress AriskmanagementapproachtoRBAC EbruCelikel a ,MuratKantarcioglu a ,BhavaniThuraisingham ...
This article proposes tail risk hedging (TRH) as an alternative model for managing risk in investment portfolios. The standard risk management approach involves a significant allocation to hiqh-quality bonds. However, this approach has historically reduced expected returns over the long term (see artic...
金融机构管理练习题《Financial Institutions Management :A Risk Management Approach 》 热度: RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 热度: 相关推荐 11 ChapterTwo 1.Whatarethedifferencesbetweencommunitybanks,regionalbanks,andmoney-center banks?Contrastthebusinessactivities,location,and...
inter-agency integrated risk management approach wherever possible, particularly at the country level, [...] daccess-ods.un.org Ÿ 考虑尽可能采用机构间一体化的风险 管理 做 法, 特别 是在国家一级, 并制定这么做的模式。 daccess-ods.un.org Adapting to those effects will require an integ...
current risk management techniques span from conventional gap analyses and quantitative value-at-risk measures of market-related exposures to more qualitative assessments of competitive exposures and low-frequency high-impact disaster events based on scenario analyses. Hence, there is a need to consider ...
本系列探讨黑天鹅风险事件中的对冲策略。由于国内衍生品合约以及交易工具的缺乏(股指期货, 上证50ETF 期权等),因此许多的系统性风险(systemic risks)使得部位中(Positions)出现的风险敞口(Risks Exposures) 无法得到对冲.本系列上文可参阅:网页链接
management approach to a successful infrastructure project: Initiation, financing, and execution Project risk across the infrastructure life cycle Effective risk management in infrastructure projects Phase 1: Selecting, planning, and designing projects Phase 2: Pr...