heel pressure injuryrisk factorsThis study analyzed the risk factors for heel pressure injury in cardiovascular intensive care unit patients with the aim of laying the groundwork for preventive nursing interventions. We conducted a retrospective case-control study of 92 patients who were admitted to ...
Critical Care Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Pressure Injury Treatment: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey Jiamin Li, Chen Zhu, Ying Liu, Baoyun Song, Jingfen Jin, Yilan Liu, Xianxiu Wen, Shouzhen Cheng & Xinjuan Wu Pages: 2125-2134 Published online: 16 Nov 2022 Abst...
To examine differences in social risk factors and health care use between young children with and without recurrent injuries.Retrospective cohort study usi... PA Braun,BL Beaty,C Diguiseppi,... - 《Injury Prevention Journal of the International Society for Child & Adolescent Injury Prevention》 被...
Keywords: pressure ulcer; decubitus ulcer; spinal cord injuries; paralysis; risk factors; spinal cord injury complications Introduction Pressure ulcers are an underestimated healthcare pinrjoubryle.ml,2, particularly for individuals with spinal cord Prevention of pressure ulcers, therefore, has not been...
Risk transfer involves contracting a third party to absorb the risk. For example, this method might include purchasing insurance to cover possible property damage or injury. Risk acceptance and retention Eliminating all risk is not possible. After taking steps to avoid, reduce, share or transfer ri...
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as the involuntary loss of urine during physical activity, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising, that may increase abdominal pressure, and SUI has been a critical public health issue1. SUI impacts enormously on the patient’s lifestyle ...
An easy-to-use Chinese Mandarin intensive care-specific pressure injury risk assessment tool has been introduced through cross-cultural translation. However, it requires further testing of interrater reliability and agreement. A rigorous translation and reporting exemplar is presented that provides guidance...
For example, a study following over 700,000 Danish children estimated the OR of suffering an injury at age 12 in ADHD compared to controls as 1.3 (95% Confidence Interval, CI = 1.23, 1.37) (Dalsgaard et al., 2015a), whereas a German study surveying over 350,000 participants found an ...
For instance, in the Sochi Paralympic Events, the athletes’ injury rate and unfinished rate were higher than in the Vancouver Paralympic Events [48]. About one third of the athletes were injured. By analyzing the meteorological conditions of the two events, the skiing venues hosting the Sochi ...
Interestingly, bilirubin itself, while not a marker of OS, has been shown to be a prognostic marker for HF in multiple studies. The increase in bilirubin has been explained by back pressure of the failing right ventricle resulting in hepatic congestion and hepatocyte atrophy [104], although it...