The objective of this study was to research grief and depression in oldest-old people living in urban congregate housing by examining the various types of grief that they experience by using a stress process model for depression among the oldest old. This study used a convenience sample of the...
Rates of prenatal and postnatal depression in developing countries are high. Prolonged depression during the postnatal period is associated with impaired infant growth and development. Little is known about the factors predicting the persistence of prenatal depression beyond the first few postnatal months....
Lu W. Treatment for adolescent depression: national patterns, temporal trends, and factors related to service use across settings. J Adolesc Health. 2020;67(3):401-408. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.019PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 14. Lu W. Child and adolescent mental disorders...
These data do not provide information about why depression and AD may be linked. There is increasing awareness of the possible role of vascular disease in the expression of the clinical symptoms of AD, and it has been reported that AD and depression may share risk factors for vascular disease...
Depression, Anxiety and Symptoms of Stress among Hong Kong Nurses: A Cross-sectional Study This study examines the weighted prevalence and associated risk factors of depression, anxiety and stress among Hong Kong nurses. A total of 850 nurses ... C Teris,Y Paul - 《International Journal of Env...
Identifying patients at high risk of surgical wound infection. A simple multivariate index of patient susceptibility and wound contamination. To predict the likelihood that a patient will develop a surgical wound infection from several risk factors, the authors used information collected on 58,49... ...
ObjectiveTo model the factors associated with depression in a community sample of people with epilepsy. The factors investigated were derived from proposed risk factors for depression from patients with epilepsy, other chronic illness, and the general population.Lacey, Cameron J.Salzberg, Michael R.D...
Children of affectively ill parents: a review of the past 10 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1998;37(11):1134-1141. doi:10.1097/00004583-199811000-00012PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 49. Hammen C. Risk factors for depression: an autobiographical review. Annu Rev Clin ...
A number of studies have shown a range of negative psychological symptoms (e.g. depression) after exposure to natural disasters. The aim of this study was to determine risk factors for depression in both children and adults who have survived natural disa
Adolescence is a peak time for the onset of depression, but little is known about what adolescents can do to reduce their own level of risk. To fill this gap, a review was carried out to identify risk and protective factors for depression during adolescence that are modifiable by the young...