This paper aims to investigate the underlying factors that influenced disaster risk perception to ensure effective risk governance for asuccessful sustainable coastal development projects from the perspective of stakeholders with acredible engineering backgrounds. Analysis of this study is based on a survey...
The second largest change occurred in PFA4, which addresses the reduction of underlying risk factors (0.22) followed by PFA2, which deals with disaster risk and early warning (0.19). Policies in PFA1, which concern DRR as a national and local priority, including institutional conditions for ...
48 The subset of countries that are outliers to this trend of concomitant improvement in maternal and child health warrant close examination to determine the underlying causes. Challenges are likely to arise whenever funding streams are decoupled, education or family planning programs are disrupted, or...
The present Special Issue is devoted to vulnerability management and resilience-building as cornerstones of disaster risk mitigation. For decades, experts and management authorities have worked strenuously for disaster risk mitigation at all levels, from global to local, but the results of the ...
For behaviour factor, Be1, Be2, Be3 and Be4 are only considered to calculate risk. Be5 and Be6 are not calculated owing to their dynamic and qualitative nature. The basic premise for calculation is that age and health is the inherent individual vulnerability that is being exacerbated due to...
Survivors of the disaster often experience mental health problems in the aftermath. One of the most common mental health problems for survivors of natural disasters is depression [1]. Depression is a risk factor for a range of diseases and poor health outcomes [2]. It is important to ...
An answer to this question could reveal a factor underlying increased cautiousness in older age. In Study 1, participants decided whether they would engage in risky activities (e.g., using an ATM machine in the street) in four realistic scenarios about which participants could be expected to ...
we distributed our questionnaire in almost all Iran provinces, resulting in a more representative and generalizable sample of the participants. Finally, we did not consider the participants' underlyingmental healthin the analysis, which might have impacted the P·S.S. and perceived risk or even pra...
Urban disaster risks show multi-stage evolution and interconnected coupling features. Under time pressure, case-based reasoning (CBR) has emerged as a crit
Male sex has been identified as a risk factor for mortality in several studies of hospitalized COVID-19 patients11,12,13,14,15. These observations have been variously attributed to underlying comorbidities among men, hormonal factors, or immune differences between men and women16,17,18,19. Some...