Li P, Wu J, Qian H, Lyu X, Liu H (2014) Origin and assessment of groundwater pollution and associated health risk: a case study in an industrial park, northwest China. Environ Geochem Health 36:693–712. Article CAS Google Scholar Li P,...
This variation and assessment of risk for each disease depending on individual differences (sex, age, country of origin, duration of residence, etc.) creates a practical and clinical challenge for clinicians, particularly in primary care, due to the combination of time pressures, workload, knowledg...
Europe, Africa and Asia. He is the author of numerous publications in the AML field, including, with James McKeachie, the upcoming publication Civil Asset Forfeiture in Canada, slated to be published by Canada
For inclusion, studies had to report on factors relating to increased, decreased or no use of total cardiovascular risk assessment tools. This included aspects that influenced the usability and adoption of these tools, opportunity costs and resources associated with their use or/and adoption. Only p...
The second submodel was a microbial risk assessment model to estimate the probability that at least one animal will be colonized on an exposed farm (𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑙Pcol) given the dose to which the animals on the farm are exposed (𝐶𝑃𝐸𝑖𝑛𝑔CPEing), using an exponential dose...
To summarize the data, Microsoft excel was used. Deterministic health risk assessment model for mean and median of EDI, MOE, HI, and cancer risk were determined using formula. 3. Results 3.1. AFM1 Occurrences in Raw Milk and Cottage Cheese The concentrations of AFM1 in milk products ...
The proposed methodology showed that very-high- and high-flood-hazard zones can be mainly identified in the north-eastern and south-eastern parts of the watershed. This methodology could serve as the basis for an integrated flood risk and vulnerability assessment. Moreover, the methodology is simp...
This study presents a comprehensive assessment of indoor particulate matter (PM) concentrations, focusing on PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 in five primary health centers (PHCs): Arakale (Urban), the Federal College of Agriculture (FECA) (Urban), Iju (semi-urban),
Table 10. Final results of the assessment of the quality of the SEM model with the help of the Pearson approval criterion χ2. The results of the use of the Pearson approval criterion (from Table 10) showed that the SEM model is reliable on the whole. It fits the observed data the ...
Figure 5. Contour-enhanced funnel plots for publication-bias assessment of the prevalence (a) and seroprevalence (b) of avian influenza virus in wild birds in South Korea. 4. Discussion AIVs in wild birds pose a pandemic threat to humans and the poultry industry worldwide. Previous studies ...