Accordingly, this study intended to develop a conceptual model to deal with the risk assessment for water resources, namely surface and ground waters. A semi-quantitative approach was employed for the risk characterization, using empirical qualitative judgment to assess the relative impor...
Where the risk involves work in progress undertake a risk assessment as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the situation or task.Work should not start until the risk is reduced to an acceptable level.Considerable resources may have to be allocated. Contact your Manager and Risk Manager ...
Charge (APC)for publication in thisopen accessjournal is 1600 CHF (Swiss Francs). Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English. Authors may use MDPI'sEnglish editing serviceprior to publication or during author revisions. 03Keywords risk analysis risk assessment water resources wat...
Dear Colleagues, With the increase in population, urbanization, and economic development, the demand for fresh water in urban areas in Europe is increasing. At the same time, the availability of water for urban residents is also affected by climate change and the level of pollution. Freshwater r...
Water quality data were collected from three drainages supporting the endangered Carolina heelsplitter ( Lasmigona decorata ) and dwarf wedgemussel ( Alasmidonta heterodon ) to determine the potential for impaired water quality to limit the recovery of these freshwater mussels in North Carolina, USA...
Accordingly, this study intended to develop a conceptual model to deal with the risk assessment for water resources, namely surface and ground waters. A semi-quantitative approach was employed for the risk characterization, using empirical qualitative judgment to assess the relative importance of ...
RESEARCH ON EXPERT SYSTEM FOR RISK ASSESSMENT OF WATER INRUSH FROM COAL FLOOR AND ITS APPLICATION底板突水危险性评价专家系统及应用研究 GAO Yan-fa,ZHANG Yan-ping,ZHANG Hui-min,WANG Shi-fa,高延法,章延平,张慧敏,王世法 Keywords: 采矿工程,底板突水,专家系统,危险性评价,预测预报 Full-Text Cite this...
矿井突水危险性评价理论与方法#:#Theory and method of water inrush risk assessment in coal mine 煤层顶底板突水危险评价与预测是矿井水害防治的重要基础和依据.《矿井突水危险性评价理论与方法》以开滦矿区范各庄矿等典型大水矿井为依托,从地质条件和采动破坏分析人手,采用实验研究,理论分析和数值模拟计算等方法,...
CONTAMINATION RISK ASSESSMENT OF SOURCES OF WATER INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION WITH AEROMONAS SPP.Photoproductionhyperonpolarisationmportance of Aeromonas spp as emerging pathogens in recent years has been a considerable increase, beingincluded by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Environmental ...
Risk assessment of water inrush from coal floor is a complex problem of theory and technology,which is concerned with hydrogeology,engineering geology,mining conditions and rock mechanics.To aim at the above-mentioned problem,the expert system for risk assessment of water inrush from coal floor is...