David A Sousa
These risk factors were used to construct an SSS adapted for the assessment of envenomed horses in the field, consisting of seven dichotomous parameters. A cutoff value of 1.5 predicted mortality with 95% sensitivity and 68% specificity. In the future, this tool could assist clinicians with case...
文档分类: 论文--毕业论文 文档标签: riskQUTRiskForm昆士兰大学昆士兰昆士兰州昆士兰科技 系统标签: qutassessment昆士兰riskhobbinsform This form is to be used to document the risk assessment for the provision of appropriate level of first aid facilities and services to a work area or department. 1. ...
It’s difficult to know if that assessment was right. With less than a week to go in the campaign, Riordan’s 101-year-old mother died. Riordan flew east to bury her; his sad mission put to rest the question of his character. One does not throw stones at the bereaved. If Riordan d...