BTEX in indoor air of beauty salons: Risk assessment, levels and factors influencing their concentrationsBeauty salonsBTEXIndoor air qualityCancer riskMakeupVentilationConcentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) were investigated in indoor air quality of 50 beauty salons in Arda...
Assessment of occupational safety and hygiene perception among afro-caribbean hair salon operators in Manchester, United Kingdom 2019, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Air pollution of beauty salons by cosmetics from the analysis of suspensed particulate matter 2019, Environ...
The methodology is based on a quantitative and reproducible heuristic assessment of risk through the development of a new UNESCO Risk Index (URI), which combines the level of hazard with a potential damage vector. The latter expresses the expected level of damage as a function of the type of ...
2,718 samples are collected for testing. 2,427 samples come backnegativewhile 20 are found to be positive (they are the environment samples from the residence of Case 1 and the interior and surrounding environment samples fro...
See the quantity and duration of malware infections, along with other factors influence the overall assessment of an organization’s IP Reputation. Endpoint Security Understand the effectiveness of protections in place for laptops, desktops, mobile devices, and all employee devices that access that comp...
RESULTS demonstrated initial interest in, and the feasibility of recruiting and enrolling customers into a beauty salon-based falls risk assessment and awareness program. Beauty salons, which are in all communities, represent an innovative setting for reaching people of all ages with life-saving falls...
Knowledge and Risk Assessment of Hepatitis B Infection among Barbers and Beauty Salon Workers in Mwanza, Tanzaniadoi:10.25259/IJTMRPH_476Kilonzo, SemvuaJaka, HyasintaMapunda, SylvanusInternational Journal of Translational Medical Research & Public Health...
Development of a cloud-based risk assessment tool for the inspection of tattoo, piercing, nail salon and allied beauty or body art establishmentsPreface I have had the privilege over the last three years to co-host a number of poetry readings at Blue Velvet Bar & Nightclub in Collingwood. ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article The DPSIR Model for Environmental Risk Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania Emmanuel Kazuva 1,2, Jiquan Zhang 1,3,*, Zhijun Tong 1,4, Alu Si 1 and Li Na 1,3 1 School of Environment, ...
2.6. Environmental Risk Assessment for Dar es Salaam MSW Risk assessment (RA) has become integral to various fields, such as business, ecology, and economics. More recently, it has been introduced in the field of environmental science, and is commonly termed as ERA. ERA refers to a scientific...