As stated in the first of this two-part article, insurance for libraries is not a matter to take for granted. There are many oowrtunities for the ~ublic librarv to sustainmaior damage and thus u;rkxpected costs. 1nArance is a Gay to prevent h i s fromi;appening. In the fist ...
In this paper we assess the impact of the financial crisis on insurance markets and the role of the insurance industry in the crisis itself. We examine som
Although supervised learning for insurance fraud detection has long been a research focus, unsupervised learning has rarely been studied in this context, and there remains insufficient evidence to guide the choice between these branches of machine learning for insurance fraud detection. Accordingly, this ...
摘要:Protection of creditors is a key objective of financial regulation. Where the protection needs are high, that is, in banking and insurance, regulatory solvency requirements are an instrument to prevent that creditors incur losses on their claims. The current regulatory requirements based on valu...
摘要:Usage-based insurance is becoming the new standard in vehicle insurance; it is therefore relevant to find efficient ways of using insureds' driving data. Applyinganomaly detection(AD) to vehicles' trip summaries, we develop a method allowing to derive a “routine” and a “peculiarity” an...
risk management and insurance 热度: GeorgeE.Rejda PrinciplesofRiskManagementandInsurance(10thEdition) Category:Business Publisher:AddisonWesley;10edition (January20,2007) Language:English Pages:747 ISBN:978-0321414939 Size:16.16MB Format:PDF/ePub/Kindle ...
GlobalRiskManagementRiskandInsuranceManagementRiskandInsuranceManagement MarshSociety(RIMS)Society(RIMS) Marsh|RIMSExcellenceinRiskManagementVI|I PartOne:RiskManagementandtheFinancialCrisis PartOne:RiskManagementandthe FinancialCrisis Globalfinancialcrisishasaffectedriskmanagementspending The2009Excellencesurveywasfieldedas...
摘要:Fraud is a significant issue for insurance companies, generating much interest in machine learning solutions. Although supervised learning for insurance fraud detection has long been a research focus, unsupervised learning has rarely been studied in this context, and there remains insufficient evidenc...
Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity.pdf 热度: Liquidity_risk_and_bank_portfolio_management_in_a_financial_system_without_deposit_insurance 热度: BankRiskandDepositInsurance LucLaeven 1 Arguingthatarelativelyhighcostofdepositinsuranceindicatesthatabanktakes ...
《Journal of Risk and Insurance》为季刊,每年4期,每期发表文章8-10篇左右。2022-2023年影响因子为1.9,是风险管理与保险领域的顶级权威学术期刊。该期刊主要发表保险经济学和风险管理主题的理论和实证方面的学术论文,可以为保险市场的实践、决策和监管以及企业和家庭风险管理提供重要的信息。