Get a feel for some of the more in-depth and advanced mechanics fround in Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.ADVANCED COMBATLearn how to use the unique features of certain guns, as well as more advanced tools like traps and explosives.WATCH HELICOPTERS...
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 背景取自越战的Red Orchestra系列:64位玩家参加的多人比赛;超过20张地图;美国陆军与海军陆战队,北越南陆军,越共;澳大利亚与越南共和国陆军;超过50种武器;4种可驾驶直升机;地雷,绊网与隧道;残酷。逼真。铁骨铮铮。角色定制。还有上午投下的凝固汽油弹。
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to PC Gamer’s 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, published by Tripwire Interactive and developed by Antimatter Games, the same team that created the award-winning innovative asymmetric gameplay of the original Rising Storm. For the first time, the au...
《Rising Storm 2: Vietnam》 Red Orchestra 系列对越南战争的诠释;供 64 位玩家共同游玩的多人比赛;多达 20 张以上地图;美国陆军与陆战队员,北越南陆军,越共;澳大利亚陆军及越南共和国陆军;50 种以上武器;4 种可驾驶直升机;地雷,绊网与隧道;残酷。逼真。硬派。角色定制。
名称: Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - Pulling Rank Cosmetic DLC 类型: 动作, 独立, 大型多人在线, 模拟, 策略 开发商: Antimatter Games 发行商: Tripwire Interactive 系列: Tripwire Interactive 发行日期: 2017 年 11 月 27 日 访问网站 RS2Vietnam Facebook tripwireinteractive Twitch RS2 Vietnam Twitt...
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Show more Base Game CN¥84 Buy Now Add To CartAdd to Wishlist Epic Rewards Earn 5% Back Refund Type Self-Refundable Developer Antimatter Games Tripwire Interactive Publisher Tripwire Interactive Release Date 10/08/20 Initial Release 05/30/17 Platform Windows See All ...
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 表示を増やす ゲーム本編 元84 今すぐ購入 カートに追加ウィッシュリストに追加 Epic報酬 5%の還元を受けましょう 返金の種類 ご自身で返金可能 開発者 Antimatter Games Tripwire Interactive パブリッシャー Tripwire Interactive リリース日 20/10/08 初回リリース日 ...
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