Get a feel for some of the more in-depth and advanced mechanics fround in Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.ADVANCED COMBATLearn how to use the unique features of certain guns, as well as more advanced tools like traps and explosives.WATCH HELICOPTERS...
Rising Storm 2: Vietnamoffers intense action for up to64 playersin battles between the forces of South Vietnam (the US and their Allies) and those of the North - the regular, main-force units of North Vietnamese Army, plus the guerilla fighters of the National Liberation Front (or Viet ...
Epic Games are offering Rising Storm 2: Vietnam PC Game for free! Limited time only! Get This Freebie in no way claims to represent the manufacturer(s), brand(s), company(s) or retailer(s) listed on this web site nor to own their trademarks, logos, marketing materials,...
Once it is released, all owners of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will be able to play for free, using the base Rifleman class. And if, like us, you want to help support the Green Army Men developers (who are a mod team, building all of this in their spare time) you will be able to...
风起云涌2:越南《Rising Storm 2: Vietnam》可以在EPIC免费入库了!#免费游,视频播放量157,点赞量0,收藏量0,转发人数0,订阅量16,星火打游戏,4分钟拿下天才少年的男人,再强的高手也敌不过大气运者啊! #楚河 #九球轮盘赌 #搞笑 #steam游戏,李诚这个角色连一个女的都打不过【
The maps are free for owners of the base game, though paying for the DLC unlocks all classes and supports the modders. news Killing Floor 2 and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam are free to try this week By Fraser Brown published 26 March 19 Check out the new updates for free. News Wha...
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam风起云涌2越南来啦! 只看楼主收藏回复 近卫步兵师 M14 3 红色管弦乐的直系后裔,又是近10年来少见的硬派越战题材,又不贵,大家可以尝试一下! 送TA礼物 1楼2017-04-28 12:53回复 近卫步兵师 M14 3 2楼2017-04-28 12:53 回复 ...
但是没关系!只需一分钟、几个简单的步骤和一个神秘的代码,就可以玩上带中文的《风起云涌越南》~正文 退出游戏回到Epic点击头像->设置 下翻、找到“Rising Storm 2:Vietnam”点击,勾选“额外命令行参数”;复制粘贴这个代码到方框中:-epiclocale=zh-Hans 返回,开启游戏——恭喜你!成功玩上了中文的《风起...
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 表示を増やす ゲーム本編 元84 今すぐ購入 カートに追加ウィッシュリストに追加 Epic報酬 5%の還元を受けましょう 返金の種類 ご自身で返金可能 開発者 Antimatter Games Tripwire Interactive パブリッシャー Tripwire Interactive リリース日 20/10/08 初回リリース日 ...
Open ROEngine.ini Path:/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/418460/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Rising Storm 2/ROGame/Config/ROEngine.ini Find bUseTextureStreaming Change bUseTextureStreaming from true to false Graphics:Minor Artifacts Sometimes skybox begins flashing...