1. 新星奖 新星奖(Rising Star Award)和英国电影学院奖同一天颁发,获奖对象为在全球电影或电视领域的表演新秀。由英国电影和电 … zh.wikipedia.org|基于128个网页 2. 后起新秀奖 “后起新秀奖” (Rising Star Award):AED Oil Limited “年度最佳风险管理创新者”:OpenLink Financial “年度最佳首席执行官奖”...
Casey Poore: Rising Star AwardBurlison, Dani
· 首届【Rising Star Award】明日之星奖将会面向全球“明日之星”,评选出不超过35位,博士毕业10年之内的青年学者。 2)评选方式: · 申请人投出未发表稿件至【Rising Star Award】专刊 专刊编辑快速进行external reviewer评审 稿件接收并被该专刊收录形成【Rising Star Award】2022专刊 颁奖及全球推广和介绍获奖者。该...
The Rising Star Award has been won by Master Peace, Victoria Canal, Naomi Kimpenu, Willow Kayne, and Mysie. Entries are open for the Rising Star Award 2025 There is no fee to enter the Rising Star Award, applicants must be aged 18–24, British, Irish, or UK residents in 2024 and m...
Nominations Open for 2012 Rising Star Award 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者: E Lampert-Gréaux 摘要: The article offers information on the 2012 nominations and previous recipients of the Rising Star Award from 2005 to 2011. 年份: 2011 ...
The Bioanalysis Rising Star (formerly the New Investigator Award) is an annual prestigious award recognizing the most promising early-career scientists in the field of bioanalysis. Sponsored by Waters Corporation (MA, USA), our vision is to promote the work of highly talented researchers offering a...
(Les Misérables); Tony Award-winners Laura Benanti(Gypsy), Nikki M. James(The Book of Mormon), and Rob McClure(Mrs. Doubtfire); Olivier Award-nominee Jared Gertner(The Book of Mormon); and Jelani Remy (TheLion King, Ain’t Too Proud) and Shanice Williams, star of NBC’sThe Wiz ...
Intel’s Rising Star Faculty Award Winners for 2024 (from top row, left): Mengjie Yu and Mor Geva. From second row, left: Caroline Trippel, Dimitrios Skarlatos, and Gushu Li. From bottom row, left: Hari Subramoni, Tsui-Wei (Lily) Weng, and Tiwei Wei. ...
2024年10月10日,ACM SIGCOMM公布,北京大学计算机学院金鑫副教授荣获2024 ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Award,以表彰其在软件定义网络、可编程网络和对大规模存储系统等分布式系统的网络支持等领域做出的突出研究贡献。ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Aw...
Meet the 2020 Rising Star award recipients: Ten assistant professors received Intel's Rising Star Faculty Awards: (from top row, left): Asif Khan of Georgia Tech, Chelsea Finn of Stanford University, Hannaneh Hajishirzi of University of Washington, Baris Kasikci of University of Michigan, Daniel...