In addition, at biochemical failure, PSA velocity or doubling time may indicate whether recurrent disease is local or distant to the prostate bed. Those thought to have local recurrence may benefit from radiation therapy, whereas those thought to have metastatic disease may benefit from systemic ...
2154 Radiotherapy for a rising prostate specific antigen (PSA) after radical prostatectomy: The first 10 years Purpose: To determine the results of radiotherapy (RT) to the prostate bed for a presumed local recurrence heralded by a rising prostate-specific antigen (... MS Anscher,R Clough,R ...
PSA-only recurrence after definitive RP or RT for PCA is an increasingly com-mon scenario. The very definition of advanced prostate cancer is changing. Multimodal therapy improves cancer-specific outcomes especially in men with high-risk disease. After RP, a detectable serum PSA has been considered...
If all above guidelines have been met and if the client has not had a reduction in their PSA after the 30-days period on the100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEEDproducts/protocol, client will be required to scan and email toinfo@stoppsafromrising.coma copy of beginning PSA medical documentation (see ...
Does the prostascint scan help in the pretreatment assessment of patients who undergo radiation therapy for a rising psa (prostate specific antigen) after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer - International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics...
Brachytherapy After Beam Radiation Cures 3 out of 4 Prostate Cancer PatientsJanuary 5, 2007 For Early-Stage Prostate Cancer Patients, Good 8-Year Survival Rates with Seed Implants AloneFeb 7, 2007 Find Life-Threatening Prostate Cancer by Measuring PSA Velocity During a "Window of Curability"Nov ...
Pomegranate juice has been associated with PSA doubling time (PSADT) elongation in a single-arm phase II trial. This study assesses biological activity of two doses of pomegranate extract (POMx) in men with recurrent prostate cancer, using changes in PSADT as the primary outcome. Methods: This...
rising PSAnatural coursesalvage radiation therapysalvage radical prostatectomySummary Rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a frequent event in men with localized prostate cancer (PCa) under observation and after curative treatment with surgery or radiation therapy, and it is one of the most ...
Rising PSA Following Prostatic Fossa Only (PFO) Radiation Therapy: Technique and Results of Salvage Pelvic Node Radiation TherapyCarboplatinpemetrexednon-squamous non-small cell lung cancerphase II trialAim: We conducted a phase II study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pemetrexed continuation-...
A bounce was detected significantly earlier than a PSA recurrence (median 20months vs. 32months after RT;p<0.01; median PSA doubling time 5.5 vs. 5.0months, not significant). PSA doubling time was prognostically significant in case of PSA recurrence (OS10 of 72% vs. 36% with PSA doubling...