The anime adaptation of the “The Rising of the Shield Hero”light novelfollows the story ofNaofumi Iwatani, who enjoys the peaceful and happy life of a college student. When his younger brother started to drift off the right track, Naofumi did everything he could to bring him back to his...
Amazon's super-hero franchise of The Boys has its latest spin-off in the form of Vought Rising, which we only know a little about.
The League of Villains carries a dangerous weapon.At the end of a turn is a roadblock guarded by another team of Heroes, and the No. 1 Hero: Endeavor. Dabi fires off a blast of his Blueflames, and Endeavor uses his Jet Burn, with both attacks colliding and canceling each other out. ...
It should also pack moreyoungstar power, too. Generation Z is going to play a massive role in this year's tournament, and with women's club soccer easier than ever to find on television or via streaming, you don't have to wait until July to get to know this crop of up-and-comers...