Exposures to dangerously high temperatures are a public health threat expected to increase with global climate change. Heat waves exacerbate the risks asso
Achieving 1.5°C will, the IPCC notes, require“rapid and far-reaching transitions in energy, land, urban and infrastructure and industrial systems”unparalleled in scale and incorporating deep CO2reductions across all sectors. Tellingly, such a target also assumes large-scale adoption of carbon dioxi...
causing more frequent, prolonged and severe wildfires, droughts, and tropical storms. Many cities in the Netherlands are below sea level. Historically, the Netherlands has been successful in managing this, but we are grossly unprepared for the 1-3m rise in sea level expect...
Are there going to be many more mysterious deaths in the future? The answer to both questions, I think, is decidedly–yes. There has been one record high price in fuel after another, and this week was no exception. The record national average for regular gasoline is now $4.71 a gallon....
However, in the next period, the trend is likely to change, and the share of rental housing will increase in line with trends in Western Europe, and, at the same time, flat sharing and multifamily housing will become a new standard of living. The study examined the effects of financial ...