Rises The Moon!! - Sped Up Cream 875 作词: Jutidy 作曲: Tidiet Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end日子似乎永无止境 Sun digs its heels to taunt you太阳挠着脚跟嘲弄你 But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same但往后的明媚日子,一件事始终如一 Rises the moon月亮照常...
rises the moon (Sped Up) SpeXed 839 作曲: Specia Erisa Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end日子似乎永无止境 Sun digs its heels to taunt you太阳挠着脚跟嘲弄你 But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same但往后的明媚日子,一件事始终如一 Rises the moon那就是月亮照常升起...
专辑:RisesTheMoon 歌手:ILied Day seems sometimes as if they'll never end Sun takes the deals to taun you But after summer days One thing stays the same Rises no moon Face a Melody sun And haunt she But flo into the lake Shimmering like smoke rises the moon...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Yvi Kvi演唱的高清音质无损Rises The Moonmp3在线听,听Rises The Moon,只来酷狗音乐!
jimranora 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 2074 0 03:14 App [10月5日]neuro与Mini一起唱《rises the moon》 2.1万 7 03:20 App Cerber:梦想是当个小娘子 1.1万 1 03:23 App Cerber - Still Into You【IRL比心】 6542 1 03:37 App 【Cerber】这么可爱真是抱歉 2.4万 7 00:...
rises the moon (slowed + reverb) - 11:11 Music Group/Accelerate/ghostly echoes Lyrics by:Liana Flores Composed by:Liana Flores Days seem sometimes As if they'll never end Sun digs it's heels to taunt you But after sunlit days One thing stays the same Rises the moon Days fade into a ...
“月亮缓缓升起,岁月慢慢消逝”|《rises the moon》- Liana Flores 1.8万播放 狐狸——【妖狐x仆ss】绝对的忠犬,绝对的变态。 1.7万播放 震惊国外博主竟然把我家猫做成音乐 60.7万播放 是真的很痛啊家人们 27.8万播放 主人把狗狗送到萌宠乐园,狗狗以为不要它了 急得直喊妈妈,网友:孩子急得说人话了 太心疼了...
欢迎收听由主播我方大金正在被攻击为您带来的“《risesthemoon 》2分40秒,有时候岁月永无止境”精彩有声内容,该音频时长2分40秒,已被收听165次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“《doodle》1分14秒,挺适合卡点的”、“《八年的爱》2分53秒,时间一直在流逝”,下载喜马拉雅APP
钢琴谱、双手简谱,双版本:《Rises the Moon》Liana Flores。《Rises the Moon》是创作歌手Liana Flores演唱的一首歌曲,收录在其2019年发行的EP专辑《Recently》。《Rises the Moon》在TikTok的世界里真的是现象级歌曲,在 Spotify 上播放了上亿次,在 YouTube 上有超过 200 个翻唱或混音版本,甚至有人专门建立了以...
【解析】【答案】The moon rises in the evening.【核心短语/词汇】rise:升起;in the evening:在晚上【翻译】月亮在晚上升起。【解析】据题意为此题为简单的主谓结构,后面加一个时间状语,所以结构为主语月亮the moon加谓语动词rises第三人称单数,后面跟时间状语inthe evening,整合句子,故答案为T he moon rises in...