fall_transition与rise_transition的说明如下: 这里说的slew rate是rise_transition或者fall_transition的倒数,所以这里说slew rate是a rate of change,所以rise_transition或者fall_transition越大,slew rate越小. 测量rise_transition或者fall_transition是测量信号在两个指定的点(level)之间跳变(transition)的时间。如果指...
如下图所示为一个Cell的lib中关于cell_rise/cell_fall、rise_transition/fall_transition的描述: 在NLDM模型的.lib中,cell_rise/cell_fall它描述的是Cell从输入到输出的延迟查找表,它是一个Input transition和Output load的二维查找表。 rise_transition/fall_transition描述的是Cell输出上升和下降沿transition time与In...
International effects of China's rise and transition: Neoclassical and Keynesian perspectives. Journal of Asian Economics, 37, 1-19.Tyers, R. (2014b), International effects of China's rise and transition: neoclassical and Keynesian perspectives, CAMA Working Paper No. 5-2014, July, Centre for...
Soeya, Y. (2005) `Japanese security policy in transition: the rise of international and human security', Asia-Pacific Review, 12 (1): 103-116.SOEYA, Y. 2005. Japanese Security Policy in Transition: the Rise of International and Human Security. Asia-Pacific Review, 12, 103-116....
The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty. 日落可与日出媲美。 The sunset rivaled/matched the sunrise in Beauty 日落和日出同样艳丽。 It's just a sunset backwards! “日出是日落的逆行 You better be out of town at sunset. 在日落时你最好出城。
Nana de GraaffTobias ten BrinkInderjeet Parmar
Opinion over the global implications of China's rise is divided between critics, who see it as having developed at the expense of both investment and employment in the US, Europe and Japan and proponents who emphasise improvements in the terms of trade and reductions to the cost of financing ...
New Sunrise director prepared for growth: ; Transition a unique chance, official saysDAN LeROY
[Asia in Transition] The Southeast Asian Woman Writes Back Volume 6 || The New Malay Woman: The Rise of the Modern Female Subject and Transnational Encounters in Postcolonial Malay Literaturedoi:10.1007/978-981-10-7065-5_4Chin, Grace V. S....
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