During the Final Bronze Age (around 3750/3700 BP), the proto-urban sedentary cultural entity in southern Central Asia—known as the Oxus civilization or Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex—underwent major social transformations in different field...
Adult BALB/c mice (1.5 mo) were infected with H. polygyrus and treated with rIFN-γ (2.5 μg twice a day) during the first five days of infection and dissected at day 6 post infection. T-bet and GATA-3 expression (a), IL-4 and T-bet expression (b) and IFN-γ versus GATA-3...
At that time, the chronological overview suggested the existence of non-contemporaneous independent groups of sites called 'oases', whose successive occupation followed the retraction of the alluvial fan to the South, downstream-upstream, with the desiccation of channels (Masimov 1981; Sarianidi 1981...
Tongon mine's warehouse is complete and the installation of a Total Supply Chain Service and SAP system is being implemented, with the full system expected to go live in the latter half of August 2010. Overall the construction project is currently 71% complete and remains on track to ensure...
level rise from a topographic perspective, determine how vulnerable these population are from a socio-economic perspective, identify potential health impacts, develop adaptation strategies designed to assist these communities, and produce an outreach effort that can be shared with other coastal communities...
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains at the core of this threat, with persistent and resilient strains detectable in up to 90% of S. aureus infections. Unfortunately, there is a lack of novel antibiotics reaching the clinic to address the significant morbidity and mortality ...
Further, Kaufman [54] analyzed the impact of estrogen, progestin, androgens, corticosteroids, and testolactone in combination with non-hormonal therapy for the treatment of breast cancer, and pointed out that additive hormonal therapy still has a major role in the management of the advanced breast...
Reanalysis-derived integrated moisture transported upstream of the northern Sierra Nevada was negatively correlated with snow fraction (R2 = 0.90, p < 0.01), with atmospheric rivers representing the likely circulation mechanism producing low-snow-fraction storms. Keywords: atmospheric rivers; California; ...
rreesucletinpgt iion na sapunrdioups ererlcaetipontsihoipn of the built with place, blurring the reality of a place and, thereby, diminishing one's ability to engage and form" [5] (p.p3a8rt3ic)i.paTteh ...