Rise time and formant transition duration in the discrimination of speech sounds: the Ba-Wa distinction in developmental dyslexia. Here, we contrast children's perception of a synthetic speech contrast (ba/wa) when it is based on the speed of the rate of change of frequency ... U Goswami,...
Sea level rise refers to the increase in average sea level over time, primarily caused by the expansion of ocean waters due to the warming of the Earth's atmosphere and the melting of land-based ice. From:Climate Change (Third Edition),2021 ...
This analysis procedure takes a lot of time and is complex. Therefore, most Civil Engineering structures are designed taking the assumption of applied loading to be static. The process of neglecting the dynamic forces may lead to the collapse of the structure as a whole in case of a ...
Absolute identification of rise time, spectral slope, and cutoff frequency was evaluated using complex tones comprising the first 40 harmonics of 200 Hz. Ranges of each dimension were restricted to those with relevance to natural music and speech. Baseline unidimensional fixed-background tasks yielded...
Physically, the ice factory usage during Oct-Apr is controlled principally by the (location-dependent) time taken to cool the upper ocean to the freezing temperature (approximately −1.8 °C). Heat accumulates in the upper ocean during summer due to penetrating solar radiation, and is sequest...
(North: P < 0.05, adjusted R2 = 0.36, South: P < 0.05, adjusted R2 = 0.58) was found throughout the Maldives when a one-year time lag was applied (Supplementary Fig. 4C-D). This negative correlation suggests that the mangrove forest may have been initially resilient ...
Fig. 2: Illustration of the rapid growth ofAcropora palmataand its potential for increasing coral cover through restoration. aExample photographic timeseries showing the growth of a colony ofA. palmataat Buck Island Reef National Monument (BIRNM) over two years30.bModeled mean (± standard error...
, to name him chancellor on January 30, 1933. Hitler used the powers of his office to solidify the Nazis’ position in the government during the following months. The elections of March 5, 1933—precipitated by theburning of the Reichstag ...
3.1. Natural Vibration Frequency in Water The water depth (0.6 m), top tension force (5 N/65 N), end condition (S-S/S-F) and riser material (Al/PMMA/UPVC) would affect the natural vibration frequency of the riser. Beating the riser with equal force and equal time intervals, the ...
Projections include median (solid curve) estimates and the corresponding likely range (coloured shaded area) calculated for scenarios RCP2.6 (green), RCP4.5 (blue), RCP8.5 (red) and high-end (dashed dark red curve). Coloured bands indicate the time span of each RSL timeseries. Full size ...