《古墓丽影:崛起 |..《古墓丽影:崛起 | Rise of the Tomb Raider》今年 11 月 10 日在 Xbox One、Xbox 360 发售。前者由水晶动力开发,后者是德国开发商 Nixxes。以下是几
Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最终版 劳拉历险记 遗迹里的秘密。 3330 6 5:24 App Rise of the Tomb Raider高台跳水的方式 3.9万 76 7:59:59 App 【更新至P8】古墓丽影10:崛起《20周年纪念版》主线/支线 古墓挑战 流程解说/4K 超宽屏-Rise of the Tomb Raider™ -班长大哥大 1.3万 286 56:55 App ...
《古墓丽影:崛起(Rise of the Tomb Raider)》的开发商Crystal Dynamics工作室日前确认,这款游戏的Xbox One过场动画并非为1080p,而是原生1440*1080,比游戏中实际过程部分画质略低。 游戏总监Brian Horton向Power Up Gaming网站澄清了关于分辨率的内容,因为之前传言是其中过场动画尚不及900p。他表示这些传言不实,最终版...
更加容易被更多人接受的游戏方式依旧是本作的主导制作思想,延续了上一代tomb raider 的主要操作方式和技能,同时也增加了潜水,花式跳水,爬树等可操作性元素,更进一步增大了可探索区域。加入天气变换系统,丰富的场景变换让原本看似平静的四周也变得危机四伏。回归本质,重现古墓丽影之精髓—解密。并在这方面的刻画恰到...
美国亚马逊 Xbox One 1TB Console : Rise of the Tomb Raider Bundle历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Xbox One 1TB Console : Rise of the Tomb Raider Bundle
Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics’ follow-up to its fantasticTomb Raiderreboot, will be an Xbox One exclusive, as the studio’s Darryl Gallagher at at Microsoft’sGamescom 2014press briefing. “We believe this will be a step to really forging the Tomb Raider brand as one of the...
Press conference from Microsoft at Gamescom in Cologne, it was announced that the sequel to Tomb Raider in 2013, Rise of the Tomb Raider, only lands on Xbox One when it launches at the end of next year, I have heard about. When the game was announced at E3 this year revealed no Crys...
《古墓丽影:崛起(Rise of the Tomb Raider)》即将发售,无论是自带中文还是中文配音都让玩家大呼业界良心。现在根据@Xbox官方微博消息,《古墓丽影:崛起》在国行Xbox One上可选择简体中文,并且无论是普通话配音(由杨梦露配音),台腔国语,还是原声英音都可以根据你的喜好单独设置。想听何种尖叫、娇喘都任君选择。
Tomb Raider 2.0 When you walk along your first mountainside or climb your first icy glacier inRise of the Tomb Raider, you'll find yourself stuck staring into the distance. The game is absolutely gorgeous and in every sense of the word. The new lighting system is all kinds of hot, but ...
Rise of the Tomb Raideris shaping up to be a centerpiece of the young Xbox One X's library of "enhanced" games. Not surprising, given how amazing the game looks on a tricked out gaming PC. This latestRisetrailer clarifies what "enhanced" actually means for Xbox users. Central to it is...