安装在常用 Xbox One 主机上,并且在连接到 Microsoft 帐户时可供访问。 发布者信息 Rise of the Tomb Raider 季票 支持 附加条款 交易条款 举报此产品 举报此产品违反 Microsoft Store 策略 感谢你的关心。我们团队会进行审查,如有需要,将采取措施。 登录 向Microsoft 举报此产品 举报 此产品中包含非法内...
Solo la versione di Rise of the Tomb Raider disponibile su Windows Store include le funzionalità Xbox Live come obiettivi, Game DVR, classifiche e molto altro ancora. Scopri di più alla pagina www.xbox.com/it-IT/games/rise-of-the-tomb-raider I pacchetti di add-on sono disponibili singol...
一同见证劳拉·克劳馥在古墓里的丽影英姿。《Shadow of the Tomb Raider》游戏中,劳拉必须征服致命的丛林,穿越恐怖的古墓,撑过自己人生中最黑暗的时刻。劳拉一路狂奔,拯救世界免遭玛雅预言中的天灾摧毁,她必须迎接命运,成长为命中注定的古墓侠盗。
De nouveaux contenus sont désormais disponibles sur le Season Pass Rise of the Tomb Raider. Explorez le manoir Croft dans la nouvelle séquence « Blood Ties » et défendez-le contre une invasion de zombies dans le niveau « Lara’s Nightmare ». Survivez à des conditions extrêmes...
商城: Microsoft Store 直达链接> 优惠描述 劳拉探险记最新作,这次是游西伯利亚。 微软中国官网再次特价至55.65元,持平黑五前后的价格,上次错过的朋友可以入手了。 这款Rise of the Tomb Raider《古墓丽影:崛起》,会让很多古墓丽影系列的追随者们激动不已。这一代游戏上,开发商非常良心地提供了中文菜单与中文语音。
Greetings. So as you have seen on the Title ive been Downloading the game "Rise of the Tomb Raider" from the Microsoft Store, but everytime i try to open the...
在 Rise of the Tomb Raider 中,在充满待发掘秘密的游戏世界,探索无比巨大又暗藏致命陷阱的古墓、解开游戏环境中各种惊险刺激的谜题,并解译古代文字以找出秘密的地下墓室。 Rise of the Tomb Raider 内含有如电影般精彩的生存动作冒险体验。玩家将与劳拉•克罗夫特一同踏上她的第一场古墓探险,寻找长生不死的秘密...
Microsoft is competing with Steam. For $60, you can get Rise of the Tomb Raider from either the Windows Store or Steam. But the Windows Store's version of the game is worse, and Microsoft's new app platform is to blame. It's not ready for powerful games yet. ...
The take away message from the data is that the CPU efficiency of DX12 explicit mGPU allows for significantly better GPU scaling using multiple cards than DX11. The fact that Rise of the Tomb Raider achieves such impressive gains despite being the first title to implement th...
Rise of the Tomb Raider $29.99$5.99+ -80% Halo Wars: Definitive Edition (PC) $19.99 Quantum Break $39.99 Ori and the Will of the Wisps $29.99 Unruly Heroes Windows 10 $19.99 Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition $19.99+ Metro Exodus (Windows)View game ...