Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Created by Andy Suriano, Ant Ward. With Ben Schwartz, Brandon Mychal Smith, Omar Benson Miller, Josh Brener. Four mutant turtle brothers go on adventures where they end up tapping into mystic ninja powers.
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Directed by Andy Suriano, Ant Ward. With Ben Schwartz, Omar Benson Miller, Brandon Mychal Smith, Josh Brener. When a mysterious stranger arrives from the future with a dire warning, Leo is forced to rise and lead
- CUSTOMIZE with crazy costumes and powerful new weapons - LEVEL UP and smash baddies for high-score surprises! - Roll with Raph, fly with Donnie, skate with Mikey, and motorcycle with Leo! Rise of the TMNT: Ninja Run collects personal user data as well as non-personal user data (includi...
- 50 levels of mutant mayhem- Roll with Raph, fly with Donnie, skate with Mikey, and motorcycle with Leo!Rise of the TMNT: Ninja Run collects personal user data as well as non-personal user data (including aggregated data) and connects with 3rd party social media applications. User data ...
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Created by Andy Suriano, Ant Ward. With Ben Schwartz, Brandon Mychal Smith, Omar Benson Miller, Josh Brener. Four mutant turtle brothers go on adventures where they end up tapping into mystic ninja powers.
The Dark Armor needs one last piece to it's completion, and Draxum wants to trade it in exchange for the lives of the turtle brothers. But Splinter wants to save them with the help of old allies before this happens. 8.2/10(165) ...
Raphael:All right, Donnie. Put down the staff and no one gets hurt. Donatello:Uh, you said that last time, Raph, then you hurt me. Raphael:Yeah, But less than I would have. Donatello:Yeah, right. Donatello:[Raphael attacks Donatello] ...
S1.E28 ∙ Shadow of EvilSat, Apr 20, 2019 As the TMNT work to lure Baron Draxum out, Splinter tries to get to the bottom of odd goings-on at April's new job. 8.2/10 (179)Rate S1.E29 ∙ Portal JackedSat, Apr 6, 2019 When Leo's portal goes wrong, his only hope is that...
" of the TMNT franchise, and what I got was. . . Okay I guess. the show definitely isn't as good as any of the others in the franchise and definitely has nothing on its original. However the show has some pretty redeemable moments. I would be lying if I said the show didn't ...