项目概况项目名称:星球大战:抵抗组织的崛起(Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance)项目位置:佛罗里达州迪士尼好莱坞影城星球大战:银河系的边缘(Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge,Disney's Hollywood Studios, Florida)/加州迪士尼乐园星球大战:银河系的边缘(Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge,Disney's Land, CA)主题背景设定:《星球...
美国游记14 洛杉矶迪士尼乐园 | 洛杉矶迪士尼乐园是世界上第一家迪士尼乐园,于1955年7月开园。 必刷项目✅ 📍Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance:园区王牌项目,排队时间也是最长,整个项目设计非常精彩,而且老外大部分都是星战粉,人气非常高 📍Indiana Jones Adventure:经典的夺宝奇兵系列,探险的过程非常刺激,一定...
反抗军隐藏在黑峰站(Black Spire Outpost)外的森林中,正在招募新兵以执行秘密任务。 由于第一军团迫切地要扑灭反抗军的革命火花,任务必定会遇到意想不到的波澜。当您在运输中遭遇气势汹汹、装载了众多冲锋队员(其中甚至包括凯洛•伦(Kylo Ren)!)的第一军团《歼星战斗舰》(Star Destroyer)的堵截时,您将需要所有...
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance: Con John Boyega, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac. The Resistance needs your help. Hidden in the forest outside Black Spire Outpost, the Resistance is gathering recruits for a secret mission.
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance: Con John Boyega, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac. The Resistance needs your help. Hidden in the forest outside Black Spire Outpost, the Resistance is gathering recruits for a secret mission.
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is a massive attraction with multiple ride systems that is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced at Walt Disney World Resort… or anywhere else in the galaxy! Accept a Mission from the Resistance The Resistance needs your help! Hidden in the forest outside...
Location: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California Height Requirement: 40 inches (102 cm) or taller Ride Duration: Approximately 18 minutes from start to finish Genie+ and Lightning Lane: Disneyland Rise of the Resistance is an Individual Lightning Lane selection, req...
这一激动人心的全新骑乘项目将于 2020 年 1 月 17 日在加利福尼亚州南部迪士尼主题乐园(Disneyland Park)推出,届时您可以加入反抗军(Resistance)的行列进行一场对抗第一军团(First Order)的史诗般战斗。
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is a motion simulator and "trackless" dark ride in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disneyland. The attraction will put guests into the middle of a battle between the First Order (including Firs
【4K60帧】第一视角:星战:反抗军崛起(Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance)|加州迪士尼主题乐园|XtremeCoasters 2.1万 9 3:44 App 【搬运】屏幕和车都正常工作,但是却亮着灯的《逃出古灵阁》-奥兰多环球影城 1万 7 3:44 App 【第一视角】超空间山 星球大战过山车迪士尼乐园 2022 2.1万 58 8:11 App 【超...