units and powers. Dominate the skies with heavy Hind helicopters, take the field with waves of ...
units and powers. Dominate the skies with heavy Hind helicopters, take the field with waves of ...
Rise Of The Reds,简称ROTR,中文名称“红色崛起”。目前ROTR还在持续开发中,放出的所有版本均为BETA版,即公测版本,所有自称“正式版”的版本均为谬传。目前的公测版本只能进行遭遇战,不包含任何官方任务。目前的公测版只含各基础阵营,还没有将各阵营分离成特色将军阵营。所以如果你在本吧发帖问“为什么我的红色...
Rise Of The Reds is an expansion mod for Generals: Zero Hour that adds the Russian Federation, European Continental Alliance and is packed with overhauls and changes to the original factions. Whether it's steamrolling Russians, indomitable European defenders, American high-tech, Chinese strength in...