Shoutout to the guy who spent the moments before the previews shooting down his wife's interest in seeing The Little Mermaid because "It's probably full of woke shyt like fighting for women's rights, being independent and 'I don't need no man'." I hope you enjoyed the ads about Pride...
The colossal ineptitude of the Globalists has reached such levels that it seemingly is doing an impossible thing, which is to wake the “Woke”. Take a look at Malibu Beach, where a couple of nights ago wealthy and politically correct people sipped cocktails and agreed about inane stupidities...
Durin the Deathless was the first of the seven Fathers of the Dwarves to awaken during the Years of Trees, soon after the awakening of the Elves at Cuivienen. He woke beneath Mount Gundabad and was the first to walk through the wild lands in and around the Misty Mountains, giving names ...