Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Directed by Andy Suriano, Ant Ward. With Ben Schwartz, Omar Benson Miller, Brandon Mychal Smith, Josh Brener. When a mysterious stranger arrives from the future with a dire warning, Leo is forced to rise and lead
"Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Teenage mutant ninja turtles (TV Episode) - Goofs on IMDb - bloopers, mistakes, errors in continuity, plot holes, anachronisms, spoilers and more.
Movie Star Leonardo Movie Star Donatello Movie Star Michelangelo Movie Star Raphael Movie Star Splinter Movie Star Shredder Classic Collection Turtle Figures Sewer Lair Edition Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Raphael Splinter Shredder Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villain Figures 6-Pack Krang Slash Baxter ...
5512x7875 正式海报 中国大陆5回应 1080x1440 正式海报 2126x2976 正式海报 中国大陆1回应 969x1500 正式海报 450x630 正式海报 2000x2857 正式海报 中国大陆 1080x1080 正式海报 美国 7717x5265 预告海报 中国大陆 5512x7875 预告海报 中国大陆9回应
本集原名: 暂无,欢迎添加 播放时间: 暂无,欢迎添加 剧情简介: 暂无,欢迎添加 推荐 第2集的讨论 · · · · · · 我来说两句 忍者神龟:崛起 7.7 (198人评价) 全部 1集 2集 3集 4集 5集 6集 7集 8集 9集 10集 11集 12集 13集 14集 15集 16集 17集 18集 19集 > 去 忍者...
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles includes the following episodes: - Mystic Mayhem - Origami Tsunami - Donnie's Gifts - War and Pizza - Mascot Melee - Shell in a Cell - Minotaur Maze For more information, visit: * Amazon:https://amzn.to/2QI2Dcj ...
Get your first look at Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie, the upcoming 2D animated movie set to hit Netflix on August 5. The movie is a continuation of Nickelodeon's recent TV series.
《忍者神龟:崛起》(Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie)发布中国内地定档海报!将于11月19日上映!!本片以2044年的纽约为背景,大反派朗格企图毁灭地球,大量外星人通过神秘传送门入侵。忍者神龟莱昂纳多、米开朗基罗、拉斐尔、多纳泰罗齐心协力反击敌人却败下阵来。怀抱着忍者最强武器——希望,莱昂纳多将...
Deep in the sewers of New York City, four mutant turtle brothers lurk. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo are in their early teen years, and the brothers go on new and exciting adventures. They tap into their mystic ninja powers to learn to
简介 忍者神龟:崛起 82分钟 - 动画/奇幻/冒险 - 2022 导演:/ 立即购票