The birth of Islam in the 7th century and its subsequent outward expansion from the Arab world has been one of the most influential occurrences in world history. During its first few decades, the new faith inspired conquests from Spain to northern India. In this illuminating study, the author...
这本书的第一章名为“在突厥人征服之前”(Before the Turkish Conquest),叙述孟加拉地区的早期历史,从公元前20世纪开始,一直到公元12世纪初的塞纳王朝覆灭。章节标题中的“突厥人”代指来自印度北部的德里苏丹国,塞纳王朝亡于德里苏丹国的征服。在穆斯林统治孟加拉之前的漫长千年岁月里,孟加拉地区出现的主要统治势力依次...
Empires of Faith. The Fall of Rome to the Rise of Islam, 500-700doi:10.1111/emed.12164EMPIRES of Faith: The Fall of Rome to the Rise of Islam 500-700 (Book)SARRIS, PeterHISTORY of IslamNONFICTIONHumphries, MarkEarly Medieval Europe
The book falls into two categories according to the nature of the literature: the first is Buddhist scriptures, among which the most important is Mūlasarvāstivādah-vinaya-sudraka-vastu (Genbenshuo yiqieyoubu pinaiye zashi根本說一切有部毗奈耶雜事), written by the monk Yijing in 703. This...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook sunrise industry (redirected fromSunrise industries) Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia sunrise industry n (Economics) any of the high-technology industries, such as electronics, that hold promise of future development ...
"has an equal opposite reaction." The "action" that invited the reaction of the mobs was the torching of a Gujarat-bound train in which 59 Hindus pilgrims, most of them saffron-clad bigots who were returning home from a trip to the site of the Babri Mosque that they had helped demolis...
1. To make a present of: We gave her flowers for her birthday. 2. To place in the hands of; pass: Give me the scissors. 3. a. To deliver in exchange or recompense; pay: gave five dollars for the book. b. To let go for a price; sell: gave the used car away for two thou... CAIRO – Several American Jews plan to buy units inside illegal Jewish settlements built on occupied Palestinian lands in the West Bank to consolidate Israel’s grip on the territory...
Al l translations from the Qur'an are from The Noble Qur'an:a New Rendering of its Meaning in Engl ish by Hajj Abdalhaqq and Aisha Bewley Publ ished by Bookwork, Norwich,UK 1420 CE/1999AH E-mail: info@harunyahya Preface Islam Is on the Rise 8 ...
biomedical research originated from the people of many civilizations and cultures. Greeks, Indians, Syriacs, Persians and Jews, assembled first in Gondi-Shapur during the Sasanian empire in Persia, and later in Baghdad during the Golden Age of Islam, ushering the birth of current academic ...