Additionally, a scour test was performed to obtain a visualization of the wind ground flow around the models, which is commonly performed in similar experiments [42]. First, a single layer of calibrated sand, small enough to be immersed in the ABL viscous layer (using an ASTM series sieve ...
包含:标准输入输出(stdio.h) 文件操作(stdio.h) 字符操作(ctype.h) 字符串操作(string.h) 数学函数(math.h) 资源管理(stdlib.h) 格式转换(stdlib.h) 时间/日期(time.h) 断言(assert.h) 各种类型上的常数(limits.h & float.h) 变长参数(stdarg.h) 非局部跳转(setjmp.h)...
test instance B1.D, cf. 6.1) this yields a MINLP with 425 variables (64 binary) and 1057 constraints (41 nonlinear). In contrast to this is a single MINLP with \(|{\mathcal {P}}| = M \times N^\mathrm {buy} = 60\) pumps. This yields 26581 variables (4380 binary) and 82562...