@misc{Gaisma.com1226162542, author = {Tukiainen, Matti T.~J. and {Gaisma.com}}, title = {Plovdiv, Bulgaria - Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times for the whole year - Gaisma}, howpublished = {\url{https://www.gaisma.com/en/location/plovdiv.html}}, note = {Accessed: 2024-12-24...
At some beaches, past human activity, such as sand mining in the early 20thcentury, can influence the long-term shoreline change rate and violate the assumption that shoreline change remains fairly constant over the roughly 80 years of available data. To capture ongoing behavior of the beach, w...
Given the potentially large impact of historical snowfall droughts on the mass balance of the ASE, we examined historical records of atmospheric conditions and snowfall accumulation, which may indicate whether similar snowfall droughts have occurred in the past century. Firstly, the timeseries of SMB ...
“Whilst it might have felt tempting in the past to overlook certain data management-focused tools because they seemed too costly or excessive, it does appear that the tide is turning. Financial firms and the wider business sector have learnt from the breaches and attacks, and are more willing...
After running the ELF file, uses an anti-forensic technique that hides its past activity by overwriting the content of the following sensitive files with a newline character: Sensitive FileDescription /root/.bash_history Contains the commands that were run earlier /...
“Piles of death/Corpses en masse.” He sells this ludicrous hook by treating each syllable like the opposite side of a melodic seesaw, a trick he might have learned from Rihanna’s “Umbrella” or any number of arena-sized anthems. Either way, it sticks, and it’s possible to imagine ...
In some regions, young adults are moving to urban areas, and there will be more, albeit smaller, families than in the past. In other regions, notably Latin America, people are not moving en masse to large...
The EBM does not explain why numerous animal species (both in the wild, near human populations, and in captivity with controlled diets) have all gained weight over the past 25 years [43]. In addition, since 2000, obesity rates have increased while energy intake decreased and energy expenditure...
Combined with 1.2 mm yr−1 of global sea-level rise for 90 years (1901–1990)30 (assumed insignificant prior to 1900) and the effects of recently accelerated global sea-level rise (ranging from 2.5 mm yr−1 to 3.4 mm yr−1) over the past two and a half decades, these urban ...
Two assumptions are made to simplify the city to a simple and ideal control volume for the zero-CAT model (Figure 5). Figure 5. A sketch of the simplified ideal city. (1) The city is composed of buildings, streets, plants, and vehicles. The underlying surface is concrete with ...