“Rise and shine!! Because the almighty God is with you!!” “We rise by lifting others and shine by outshining others.” “Be like a sunflower. Rise, shine and hold your head high!” “Rise and shine, because now it’s your time.”― Anup Patel “Shine and leave a positive impac...
Rise and shine! 分享回复赞 沙砾之夏吧 沙砾之夏 rise and shine2017.1.3 分享20赞 墨尔本吧 手机帝SOGD rise and shine今天大日子,早起要打仗。8点开始卖iphone6s咯 分享4赞 速冻苹果吧 南城平仔 14.7.2:rise and shine一天的时间 分享2赞 半条命16吧 红漆撬棍 Rise and shine,Mr.Freeman,rise你睡了...