网络古罗马的兴衰;古罗马的兴亡 网络释义
【英语字幕】《BBC出品:古罗马,一个帝国的兴起与衰亡:凯撒大帝》。本片内嵌英语字幕,适合影子跟读,使你英语字正腔圆。喜欢BBC腔调的真爱粉们,请到(OBBC听力微博群)留言索取下载网址。 L老朱英语的微博视频 小窗口...
A riveting account of ancient Rome's imperial bodyguard, the select band of soldiers who wielded the power to make-or destroy-the emperors they served. Founded by Augustus around 27 B.C., the elite Praetorian Guard was tasked with the protection of the emperor and his family. As the ...
Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire: With Lyall B. Watson, Michael Sheen, James D'Arcy, Pip Torrens. A docu-drama covering the rise and the fall of the Roman world, including the establishment of strong individual rule by Julius Caesar and the r
A riveting account of ancient Rome's imperial bodyguard, the select band of soldiers who wielded the power to make-or destroy-the emperors they served Founded by Augustus around 27 B.C., the elite Praetorian Guard was tasked with the protection of the emperor and his family. As the centurie...
《古罗马:一个帝国的兴起和衰亡 Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire》于2006-09-21(英国)上映。是由Nick Murph/ Nick Green/ Christopher Spencer/ Andrew Grieve/ Tim Dunn/ Arif Nurmohamed执导, 由尼克·墨菲担任主编, 演员西恩·帕特维, 凯瑟琳·麦克马克, 麦克·辛等主演的《古罗马:一个帝国...
which he founded on the site of the ancient Greek city Byzantion. 该城位于古希腊城市拜占庭。 When the Visigoths sacked Rome in 410 西哥德人公元 410 年洗劫罗马 and the Empire’s western provinces were conquered by barbarians, 及帝国西边省分被野蛮人征服后, ...
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an act or instance of rising. appearance above the horizon, as of the sun or moon. elevation or increase in rank, fortune, influence, power, etc.: the rise and fall of ancient Rome. an increase in height, as of the level of water. ...
这一集将讲述自恺撒开创罗马帝政时代以后一位著名皇帝的时代-尼禄。皇帝尼禄拥有伟大的奥古斯都的直系血缘,同时拥有最古老尊贵家族的名号,但他最终却不是如先祖一样因为伟大的统治而留下芳名。皇帝执政的前期帝国一切如常,然而尼禄后期的统治血腥残暴,甚至荒诞不经,自称艺术家的皇帝对帝国是否能够平稳运转并不关 ... ...