1、安装riscv-none-embed(xpack版)=>安装xpm=>安装npm 2、安装npm 坑1、没有npm命令 解决方案:brew install node 坑2、安装node提示xcode环境报错 解决方案:重装xcode command line tools apple deverlop官网下载对应xcode版本的commandlinetools安装包 sudo rm -rf $(xcode-select --print-path) xode-select ...
cdmy-project xpm init#Only at first use.xpm install @xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-embed-gcc@latest ls -l xpacks/.bin This command will: install the latest available version, into the central xPacks store, if not already there add symbolic links to the central store (or.cmdforwarders on...
若缺少路径,可直接将下面路径直接复制粘贴过去:${eclipse_home}toolchainRISC-V Embedded GCCbin ...
cdmy-project xpm init#Only at first use.xpm install @xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-embed-gcc@latest ls -l xpacks/.bin This command will: install the latest available version, into the central xPacks store, if not already there add symbolic links to the central store (or.cmdforwarders on...