branch = master [submodule "gdb"] path = gdb url = branch = gdb-14-branch [submodule "qemu"] path = qemu url = [submodule "musl"] path = musl url = branch...
url= branch=master[submodule"gdb"]path=gdb url= branch=gdb-13-branch[submodule"qemu"]path=qemu url=[submodule"musl"]path=musl url=
There are a number of additional options that may be passed to configure. See './configure --help' for more details. Also you can define extra flags to pass to specific projects:BINUTILS_NATIVE_FLAGS_EXTRA, BINUTILS_TARGET_FLAGS_EXTRA, GCC_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_FLAGS, GDB_NATIVE_FLAGS_EXTRA, GDB...
几个riscv-*子模块的gitee镜像地址: Submodule 'riscv-binutils' ( registered for path 'riscv-binutils' Submodule 'riscv-dejagnu' ( registered for path 'riscv-dejagnu' Submodule 'riscv-gcc' (https:...
git clone -b fsf-gdb-10.1-with-sim riscv-gdb接下来,进入构建过程:- 配置工具链 在终端创建一个名为"build"的目录,然后切换到该目录,执行以下配置命令:cd build ../configure --prefix=/opt/riscv/gcc --enable-multilib --target...
gdb simulator only support bare-metal/elf toolchain. Selecting the tests to run in GCC's regression test suite By default GCC will execute all tests of its regression test suite. While running them in parallel (e.g. make -j$(nproc) report) will significanlty speed up the execution time...
通过访问RISC-V GNU工具链的源代码仓库,下载C语言编译器riscv-gnu-toolchain。同时,下载测试框架riscv-dejagnu、GNU C库riscv-glibc以及轻量级C库riscv-newlib。此外,为了完成嵌入式开发,下载包含二进制工具集合的riscv-binutils,以及调试器riscv-gdb。在配置阶段,使用指定指令来安装工具链,确保安装...
Binutils: 步骤 1, make sure you had installed git and build-essential tools. If tips any error with miss, just useapt-get installto install it apt-get install git build-essential tcl expect flex texinfo bison libpixman-1-dev li...
3) git clone 4)cd riscv-gnu-toolchain 5) git clone -b binutils-2_41-release-point \ binutils 6) git clone glibc...
gdb simulator only support bare-metal/elf toolchain. Selecting the tests to run in GCC's regression test suite By default GCC will execute all tests of its regression test suite. While running them in parallel (e.g. make -j$(nproc) report) will significanlty speed up the execution time...