之后再Show Applications那里打开该软件: 首先在unallocated那里new一个新的区域,然后将其挂载(format to)到/dev/sda目录下,然后再挂载到/dev/sda5目录下,可以通过左右拉顶上那个进度条来控制,具体你们去试试就知道了。。。 扩展完之后,我又直接进到qemu那个文件夹下安装编译依然出错,草。。。 我的解决方法是把...
而操着系统运行的模式是S-Mode,所以RISCV也可以选择将异常重新导向到S-Mode,也支持异常委托机制(Machine Interrupt Delegaintion)将异常直接通过S-Mode进行处理,这样可以大大的增加操作系统的灵活性。 一般来说M-Mode是必须实现的,S-Mode也一般会有,而U-Mode是选择性扩展的。目前的RISCV芯片中例如蜂鸟的E203与K21...
RISC-V machine code monitor. Contribute to krakenlake/vmon development by creating an account on GitHub.
}staticvoidmachine_switchto_supervisor(void) {//set M Previous Privilege mode to Supervisor, for mret.unsignedlongx =mstatus_get(); x&= ~MSTATUS_MPP_MASK; x|=MSTATUS_MPP_S; mstatus_set(x);//set M Exception Program Counter to main, for mret.//requires gcc -mcmodel=medanymepc_set(...
5. A debugger can discover almost everything it needs to know itself, without user confifiguration. 6. Each hart can be debugged from the very first instruction executed. 7. A RISC-V hart can be halted when a software breakpoint instruction is executed. ...
.align 6 .global handler_interrupt handler_interrupt: addi sp, sp, -32*REGBYTES STORE x1, 1* REGBYTES(sp) STORE x2, 2* REGBYTES(sp) ... STORE x31, 31* REGBYTES(sp) //call C code handler call software_handler //finished interrupt handling, ready to return LOAD x1, 1* REGBYTES...
然而对于类Unix的操作系统来说,异常都是由操作系统来处理。而操着系统运行的模式是S-Mode,所以RISCV也可以选择将异常重新导向到S-Mode,也支持异常委托机制(Machine Interrupt Delegaintion)将异常直接通过S-Mode进行处理,这样可以大大的增加操作系统的灵活性。
// scratch area for timer interrupt, one per CPU.//存放每个hart对应的时钟中断上下文环境---中断上下文环境占用32*uint64大小uint64 mscratch0[NCPU*32];// assembly code in kernelvec.S for machine-mode timer interrupt.externvoidtimervec();// set up to receive timer interrupts in machine mode,...
The Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine (BOOM) is a synthesizable and parameterizable open source RV64GC RISC-V core written in theChiselhardware construction language. Created at the University of California, Berkeley in theBerkeley Architecture Researchgroup, its focus is to create a high performance...