The Dejagnu test suite has been ported to RISC-V. This can be run with a simulator for the elf and linux toolchains. The simulator can be selected by the SIM variable in the Makefile, e.g. SIM=qemu, SIM=gdb, or SIM=spike (experimental).In addition, the simulator can also be select...
Spike Boards QEMU supports two different Spike boards. The default board is Spike v1.9 (-machine spike_v1.9) which implements Privileged ISA Version v1.9.1 and uses config-string to pass device configuration tobbland itslinux-kernelpayload. This board was kept so that existing QEMU users with ...
顺便提一下,如果DTM部分RTL没有也是可以的,直接做在这个model里就可以,直接drive DMI,PULP平台就是这么做的。值得一提的是,用GDB调试Spike上跑的程序也是这个套路,即使Spike是个纯C的model,连RTL也不是。 至于仿真器是什么并不重要,只要支持DPI即可,毕竟这个model除了接口之外我们是准备用C写的。当然了,Ibex的PUL...
Running on x86_64 Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS/WSL2) I compiled GCC/LLVM/Clang using the riscv-gnu-toolchain scripts. I hope this LLVM could run on my RISC-V board. Could I run it on RISCV by only copying it from x86 to RISCV? Collaborator TommyMurphyTM1234 commented Apr 9, 2024 ...
为此,我们使用交叉编译器编译了word2vec,并试图在Spike上运行它。交叉编译器编译标准RISC基准测试,它们在Spike上没有失败,但是当我们对word2vec使用相同的设置时,它会失败,因为“坏的syscall #179!”。在将代码移植到RISC-V时,有没有人有类似的经验?对于我们如何追踪它是否是代理内核,有什么想法吗?谢谢。
(sometimes, also the RISC-V machine emulated by usingSpike, or an FPGA board with a soft RISC-V core); 2) follow the code from the given application to the OS kernel based on the understanding; 3) complete the proxy OS kernel to make the application (or the system) to execute ...
The Dejagnu test suite has been ported to RISC-V. This can be run with a simulator for the elf and linux toolchains. The simulator can be selected by the SIM variable in the Makefile, e.g. SIM=qemu, SIM=gdb, or SIM=spike (experimental).In addition, the simulator can also be select...
none empty machine shakti_c RISC-V Board compatible with Shakti SDK sifive_e RISC-V Board compatible with SiFive E SDK sifive_u RISC-V Board compatible with SiFive U SDK spike RISC-V Spike board (default) virt RISC-V VirtIO board
当我尝试在它失败的/ RISCV-TESTS / DEBUG目录中运行以下内容时。 ./ --spike64 --cmd ../../bin/spike 回溯(最近呼叫最后一个电话):文件“./”,第10行,导入目标文件中“/home/dave/myprojects/riscv/build/riscv-tools/riscv-tests/debug/”,第4行,Invemage ...
RISC-V目前提供的软件有 GNU Compiler Collection(GCC) toolchain(具有调试器 GDB)、一套 LLVM toolchain、OVPsim模拟器(以及RISC-V快速处理器模式的软件参考库)、Spike 模拟器,以及一套在QEMU上运行的模拟器。 操作系统的支持包括 Linux 核心、FreeBSD,以及 NetBSD,但是监督模式的指令直到版本 1.11 的特权指令集才...