REG_L a1, KERNEL_MAP_VIRT_ADDR(a1) /* 内核开始物理地址 */ la a2, _start /* 计算内核虚拟地址与物理地址之间的偏移量 */ sub a1, a1, a2 /* 计算返回地址的虚拟地址,存贮到ra寄存器中 */ add ra, ra, a1 /* Point stvec to virtual address of intruction after satp write * 获取1f的...
l Dynamic data (heap): > 4 KB (如果工程使用多个组件,建议> 32 kB )。在 in lv_conf.h头文件中设置LV_MEM_SIZE参数。 l Display buffer: > “Horizontal resolution” pixels (> 10 דHorizontal resolution” is recommended) l One frame buffer in the MCU or in an external display controller ...
1pstContext->ra =(UINT32)osTaskExit;2pstContext->sp =0x02020202L;3pstContext->gp =0x03030303L;4pstContext->tp =0x04040404L;5pstContext->t0 =0x05050505L;6pstContext->t1 =0x06060606L;7pstContext->t2 =0x07070707L;8pstContext->s0 =0x08080808L;9pstContext->s1 =0x09090909L;10pst...
tail.Lsecondary_park.Lgood_cores:#endif/* 选择一个核启动 */la a3,hart_lottery li a2,1amoadd.w a3,a2,(a3)bnez a3,.Lsecondary_start/* 清除bss */la a3,__bss_start la a4,__bss_stop ble a4,a3,clear_bss_done clear_bss:REG_Szero,(a3)add a3,a3,RISCV_SZPTRblt a3,a4,clear_bs...
riscv abi官方文档 数据模型(LP32 ILP32 LP64 LLP64 ILP64 ) ILP32 and LP64 data models and data type sizes
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<-> "" ^ spc() ^ "(" ^ opt_spc() ^ reg_name(rs1) ^ opt_spc() ^ ")" function clause execute(RISCV_ZICBOZ(rs1)) = { if cbo_zero_enabled(cur_privilege) then { let rs1_val = X(rs1); let cache_block_size_exp = plat_cache_block_size_exp(); let cache_block...
一、简单就是美——RISC-V架构的设计哲学 RISC-V架构作为一种指令集架构,在介绍细节之前,让我们先了解设计的哲学。所谓设计的“哲学”便是其推崇的一种策略,譬如说我们熟知的日本车的设计哲学是经济省油,美国车的设计哲学是霸气外漏等。RISC-V架构的设计哲学是什么呢?是“大道至简”。笔者最为推崇的一种...
.equ REG_TBR, 0 .equ REG_IIR, 2 .equ IIR_TX_RDY, 2 .equ IIR_RX_RDY, 4 .section .text .globl _start _start: 1: auipc a0, %pcrel_hi(msg) # load msg(hi) addi a0, a0, %pcrel_lo(1b) # load msg(lo) 2: jal ra, puts ...